Office Statistics — Apply the Numbers to Your Work Day

Boise Paper
2 min readFeb 9, 2016


Managers can make effective use of numbers to improve the efficiency of their office and the performance of their staff. The following statistics were compiled from our recent Boise Paper Office Life Survey and other relevant studies to provide you valuable insights on topics related to workplace and employee management. Additionally, the corresponding tips offer constructive ways you can use these numbers to increase office productivity and efficiency.

Relationship Building: By investing 10 percent more in employee engagement, companies can boost annual profits by $2,400 per employee.

Tip: Engage your employees by offering opportunities for professional development, such as special projects, leadership programs or continuing education courses. Employees who grow within a company are more committed to the organization, generating higher levels of job satisfaction and productivity.

Workplace Procedures: According to our Boise Paper 2015 Office Life Survey, only six percent of companies monitor or limit the number of pages individuals or departments can use, 21 percent limit the use of color copiers and just 14 percent restrict the use of more expensive paper.

Tip: Implement printing-related policies to help cut inventory costs for everyday items like ink cartridges. Train employees to cost-efficiently use office resources by hosting a staff meeting and including such protocols in employee manuals.

Professional vs. Personal Lives: Nearly one quarter of full-time U.S. employees report that managing their work-life balance has become more difficult.

Tip: An overworked staff can lead to more sick days, workplace accidents, job dissatisfaction and mistakes. Prevent your staff from feeling overworked by offering flexible work schedules, celebrating achievements and holding regular meetings to allow employees to discuss projects and workloads.

Wireless Equipment: Twenty-two percent of respondents to our Boise Paper 2015 Office Life Survey said they had used their mobile device or tablet computer to print in the past week.

Tip: As more employees use their smartphones and tablets to work remotely, setting up wireless printing can help them save time downloading content created away from their desks to their office computer. For even smoother printing jobs, Boise® X-9® Multi-Use Copy Paper offers consistent, quality results in any high-speed print environment.

Office Design: Natural elements in an office increase employee productivity by six percent and both creativity and well-being by 15 percent.

Tip: Design a workplace that lets employees establish a connection to nature by incorporating natural lighting, indoor plants and pictures of outdoor scenes, such as a beach, sunset or mountains.



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