2 min readApr 2, 2024

Home is home.

In the vast experience of our lives, this special feeling lingers through every moment, memory, and experience—the concept of home.

Home to me is more than just a physical location; it’s a sanctuary of the soul, a harbour of comfort, a place of a special feeling of belonging. Home can take various forms, from the one bedroom we grew up in to our new fancy, cozy apartments. Despite all these changes and forms, one truth is constant: home is home.

There’s an ineffable feeling that washes over us when we are in the presence of our homes—a feeling of warmth, security, and familiarity above the boundaries of the location and architectural structures—and the solace we find in the presence of our loved ones, where laughter resonates at every corner, and the cherished memories that will remain part of our being forever.

However, during life’s chaos, we frequently find ourselves looking for a place to call home in far-off places to relive that elusive sense of belonging. Even though we may visit faraway locations in search of excitement and adventure, we nonetheless long for the familiarity of home during our quiet times. These are the times when we understand that home is not something we travel to; rather, it is a place inside of us, in the connections we make and the memories we hold dear.

Even though we value the idea of home highly, we have to accept its transience. Transitions characterise life’s journey, and as each chapter of life passes, so does our understanding of home. Whether leaving behind familiar surroundings or starting a new journey, the spirit of home never truly leaves our hearts—it reminds us of who we are and where we belong.

home, I believe, can be anywhere, whether built with rocks, sand, mud, or anything else. but not everywhere.

Finally, home is a sensation that transcends both space and time — it’s more than just a location on a map. It is the compass that directs us on our path of self-discovery and the anchor that keeps us rooted in the face of life’s uncertainties. Therefore, let us treasure the homes we have known, welcome the ones we haven’t yet found, and take the spirit of home with us wherever life may take us. Home is home, and there’s no better feeling than feeling like we belong.