How to add a “One Click Upsell” to Shopify (in 10 minutes or Less)

Bold Commerce
4 min readMay 7, 2018

Want to offer a one click upsell button on your Shopify store?

We’ll guide you through how to add a one click upsell in just 10 minutes or less using the Product Upsell Shopify app. Once installed, it will work like this:

As you can see in the GIF, you can cross-sell or upsell products at the click of a button!

Here’s how to set it up in three simple steps:

Step #1: Download and install the App

To install Product Upsell, follow these instructions:

1. From “Shopify Admin”, select Apps.

2. Select Visit Shopify App Store.

3. Enter Product Upsell in the “Search Bar”.

4. Select Product Upsell.

5. Select Get.

6. Select Install app.

7. Select Approve charge.

That’s it! The app is now installed on your Shopify store.

Step #2: Set up the “One-Click Upsell” on your products

Once you’ve installed the app, the next step is to choose a product to offer in your one-click upsell popup window.

Note: An upsell is “upgrading” a customer to a better, more expensive product, such as a bigger bag of coffee. A cross-sell, on the other hand, is offering something in addition to the original product, such as coffee filters with their bag of coffee.

To create your first upsell offer, follow the instructions in this video:

If you’d rather create a cross-sell offer, follow this video:

Finally, our Upsell Shopify app has a unique feature that no other app offers — the ability to offer a post-purchase upsell. That’s right — you can upsell AFTER checkout!

To do that, you also need to install our Bold Cashier app, which allows you to save credit card information, allow customers to redeem loyalty points at checkout, and more. Pricing starts at 0.25% of processed sales, and there are no monthly charges!

Once you have both apps installed, follow these instructions to create an upsell after your checkout pages.

Step #3: Sit back and watch as your eCommerce business grows

It’s really that simple! You can start offering one click upsells in 10 minutes or less.

Most of our users increase revenue 10–30% within the first month of installing our app. This is because upsells increase individual customer value, which is more affordable than finding a new customer.

Beyond that, adding post-purchase upsells increased revenue an additional 10%. In fact, many of the stores using our app were able to reach six figures and beyond!

Best of all, Product Upsell has a 30 day free trial.

Not only will the app give you the ability to offer upsells after checkout, but is the perfect way to offer traditional upsells and cross-sells on your store. Here’s a great blog post that goes over the differences between upselling and cross-selling if you want to know more.

If you want to continue to grow your eCommerce business, consider adding subscription products to your store. Subscriptions are a great way to create recurring revenue. Plus, you can upsell one-off purchases into subscriptions for even more sales!

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Bold Commerce

We’re eCommerce fanatics who build amazing things on @Shopify!