10 ChatGPT Prompts For Thought Leadership Content Ideas In 2024

3 min readJun 10, 2024


You’re on the verge of crafting some impressive content for your upcoming thought leadership post on LinkedIn, Social Media or your next blog. But then, the inevitable happens: you’re hit with an untimely bout of writer’s block.

It’s incredibly frustrating, isn’t it?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Ask any professional content creator, whether they do it full-time or as a side hustle, and they’ll tell you that writer’s block is a challenge they all encounter at some point in their careers. This is true for you too, even if you’re already an experienced expert and thought leader.

Although writer’s block can strike at any time and often at the worst moments, there are effective tactics to overcome it. Thankfully, since the introduction of ChatGPT, this tool (along with others powered by ChatGPT) has been used by thousands of creators worldwide to significantly reduce the time needed to draft and develop quality content. This makes it easier for you to consistently provide value as an industry thought leader.

You can simply input your ideas into ChatGPT, and the bot will generate a brainstorm of content ideas for inspiration, or even draft entire posts. However, be sure to customize the output so it reflects your unique brand voice, is factually correct, and accurately conveys your intended message.

Here are 10 ChatGPT prompts you can use to generate content ideas, making it easier for you to establish your career and reputation as a thought leader:

  1. Turn this into a 230 character tweet for Twitter: [insert your content here so that ChatGPT can repurpose it].
  2. I have these data-driven insights on recent developments in the [industry] to share. Rewrite the below insights into a short, catchy LinkedIn/Facebook [or other social media platform] post that will drive traffic to my page and company website. [List insights.]
  3. List some thought-provoking questions related to [name of industry] that can spark discussions amongst my followers on my page, who are [describe your target audience].
  4. Repurpose the below content for an engaging script for my YouTube video on [name of topic].
  5. I am a thought leader in the [name your industry] and my audience is [describe your followers]. What practical tips or advice can I offer to help my audience succeed and answer their pain points?
  6. List some common pain points of [name your audience] and provide some examples of content I can create which will be suited to their needs.
  7. Suggest some ways I can break down complex industry topics into easily digestible social media posts.
  8. Suggest X topic ideas related to [name your topic].
  9. I have a photo of [describe photo] that I am using for my LinkedIn post. Generate a short photo caption to go with the picture.
  10. Create a content outline for a blog about [detail your topic].

