Boniface Abah
2 min readOct 28, 2023


“Sell yourself first if you want to sell anything” — Burt Lancaster

Dr. Francis stood in front of the class that Friday evening, explaining the concept of privacy in Nigeria and the rest of the world. He digressed a bit and went on a boasting spree about his achievements.

He said, “I am not taking this course, ‘Legal Aspect of Communication,’ because there aren’t other lecturers to teach it, but because I have field experience and I am one of the best. Sell yourself!”

This might not be the exact way he said it, but that is how I remember it.

Sell yourself!

This might be the most invaluable lesson I have learned thus far. The Irony? It has nothing to do with the course “Legal Aspect of Communication.”

So, what does it mean to sell yourself?

As opposed to the literal idea, selling yourself is not going to the nearest market, placing yourself on a tomato tray with a price tag on your chest, and screaming “BUY ME!”


Selling yourself means putting yourself and your craft out there for everyone to see. A light kept in a box will stay hidden, regardless of its potential, unless that box is removed.

Case study: I am a young man with diverse interests, including football, marketing and advertising, growth, and God.

Yet, the only visible aspect of me is my interest in football (I mean, who wouldn’t brag about being a Manchester City fan?). Not many people know about the others.

So, if you’d please allow me to re-introduce myself: My name is Boniface, a visual identity designer, copywriter, and diction coach.

What you can expect to learn:

· The ins and outs of marketing and advertising

· Why the Mercedes and iPhone brands exude the “I have arrived” vibe, despite the existence of other brands

· Why “AbleGod” stores or “Miss Arike Collections” may not be the most consumer-friendly brand names

· Why telling your graphic designer to add a sewing machine and thread to your brand logo is a colossal blunder

In all, this page will provide a lot to learn about marketing communications, personal growth, and Christianity, woven through the experiences of the writer — me!

And since we are at the starting and growth stages of our respective careers, every knowledge will be shared FREE.

Therefore, let’s interact, disagree, and learn from each other in the subsequent posts.

I’ll see you in the next post!



Boniface Abah

Advertising & marketing student, football fan, growth hacker, and Christian. Helping businesses grow, serving God & making a difference in the world.