The Effects of Globalization on Developing Countries

Xenia Madelin Bonilla
3 min readSep 9, 2016


Developing countries are effected positively and negatively in many aspects, from internal affairs to external affairs. Globalization can have very drastic impacts on a country both positive and negative. I will examine the effects both positive and negative of globalization on developing countries economy, Trade process, education and health system.

Globalization has helped less developed countries deal with the increasing economic developed in the rest of the world. This has solved the poverty problems in these countries. In the past this was impossible for less developed countries due to trade barriers. The World Bank and International Management encourage these less developed countries to go through market reform. Many countries began to move towards these changes by removing tariffs and free up their economies. Fariooz Hamdi “The Impact of Globalization in the Developing Countries” LinkedIn June 11th 2015. Developed nations invest in less developed nations which lead to creation of jobs for poor people in the less developed countries, this is a positive outcome of globalization. However, globalization has had its negative effects on these less developed nations. Globalization has increased inequality in developing nations between the rich and the poor. The benefit of globalization is not universal. Globalization is making the rich richer and the poor poorer.

The health and education system in developing countries has benefited in a positive way due to the contribution of globalization. Education has increased in the recent years because globalization has created jobs that require a higher education. “Health and education are basic objectives to improve any nations, and there are strong relationships between economic growth and health and education systems” Fariooz Hamdi “The Impact of Globalization in the Developing Countries” LinkedIn June 11th 2015. Globalization has helped improve developing countries rates of illiteracy living standards and life expectancy. According to the World Bank (2004) “ With globalization, more than 85 percent of the world’s population can expect to live for at least sixty years and this is actually twice as long as the average life expectancy 100 years ago”. An Increase trade and travel, diseases for example HIV/ADIS, Swine Flu and a verity of plant diseases, move easily across borders. Fairooz Mustafa Hamdi “The Impact of Globalization in the Developing Countries” November 11th 2013. Another drawback to globalization is the loss of highly educated and qualified professionals in developing countries due to migration to developed countries for a better life.

It is safe to say that globalization has good benefits and negative setbacks for developing nations in the world. Globalization can be thought as a tool and depending on how one uses the tool or how often or even in what ways it is used. Globalization can be good for a Nation depending on the nations and the developing nations investing in it.

