Video Traffic X Review - Get $64,000 Bonus Package Now! Video Traffic X Bonus

Mr. Nour
17 min readOct 20, 2015

what is Video Traffic X?

Video Traffic X is a vide creation WordPress plugin provide you a chance to have high-quality videos while doing almost nothing.

Image that you need a video for your next viral campaign — despite the content of that video, it should mainly focus on traffic — (Ok, I mean, whatever it talks about, how engaging it could be — the only worthwhile thing is “driving traffic”, right?), you need to going through this process: think of the content and main concept, choose suitable images and music, add other effects, choose taking time do it by yourself, hire someone to do it for you or even simply choose which tools could be used to make it. Video Traffic will take you away from those mind-worrying tasks just some clicks.

Video Traffic X Overview

  • Vendor: Andy Fletcher et al
  • Product: Video Traffic X
  • Release Date: 2015–10–20
  • Release Time: 11:00 EDT
  • Front-End Price: $37-$97
  • Sales Page: Click Here
  • Niche: Software

Help Your Subscribers Rank Page One With Simple Push Button Videos Like This, And You’ll Have A Raving Fan For Life…

See for yourself what all the fuss is about:

1. The Video Traffic X plugin finds articles & images based on your keywords (or you can use your own)

2. Your Video Traffic X plugin then sends the content you select to our Video Traffic X servers, where it’s turned into a unique video clip, designed to tick all Google’s ‘relevance’ boxes, with a voice over, imagery subtitles, and even background music.

Video Traffic X allows users:

  • Finally Resolve the SEO code (in the time it takes to go to the fridge & crack open a cold one.
  • Release enough FREE traffic for them to consider themselves a REAL success in the SEO game.
  • “Magic up” simple, effective & traffic hungry blogs to popular page one of the SERPs for multiple keywords… in multiple niches.
  • Produce all the relevant, unique & one-click videos they want to become a dominant player in their niche for a long time to come.
  • Turn short spikes of traffic into measurable & secure profits so they’re able to scale confidently & generate multiple revenue stream… & finally begin enjoying all the luxuries life with an automated income has to offer…

Why Video Traffic X is so different?

To see how Video Traffic X would take-you-to-the-moon, let take a deeper look on how it was made. Video Traffic X was developed by some basic thought about people’s sake of interaction:

+ They love anything simple, apparent, well-organized and purposeful delivering messages. + They search for anything they need by understandable keywords (which you could also think out while you put yourself in other’s shoes) + But google is ranking for something meet its standards.

So, Video traffic X make a perfect combination of them — making an animation video from images and music based on your SEO focused keywords.

Videos created by Video Traffic X (just right at its name!) driving traffic (loads of!) if only you follow these steps:

+ Finish you your SEO optimized post. + Click on “create video” from Video Traffic X + And then, here you are — a generated short-code to embed into the blog post.

Is this unique? Sure. Is this relevant to your post? Absolutely! It’s created by your related images and music — remember? Is this ticking to all Google’s “relevance” boxes? — Have no doubt.

To be honest, Video Traffic X is like a nuclear weapon in your niche market while you can produce and drop many videos along with blog posts as you can to dominate the market in the shortest time since you populate a secure position on Google Ranking Page.

Price of Product?

Personally I think is a very unique product so the price $37/$47/$97 (based on the number of credits you want to have on a monthly basis) is a reasonable price. no doubt about its great ability, I would definitely register yourself a product like this, did you?

TAKE ACTION RIGHT NOW… You will also get 34 giant bonus packs that value over $64,000 from us!

Exclusive Bonus Package

New Bonus Package

Bonus Package N° 1

Bonus Package N° 3

Bonus Package N° 4

BONUS #1–3 Minimalist Powerpoint Templates

We all know that flat and minimalist design are the type of design that favored by big company. You can see Apple.Inc and Windows are starting to use flat and minimalist design. This is the reason why you have to use the minimalist design on your presentation

BONUS #2–2 Explainer Video Templates

Explainer video are more approachable,entertaining, and engaging! They make your customer much more confident about your product. Explainer Video allow you to explain your products and services better , and customer love that

Bonus Package N° 5

Bonus Package N° 6

Bonus Package N° 7

Bonus Package N° 8

Bonus Package N° 9

Bonus Package N° 10

Bonus Package N° 11

Bonus #1 — Maximum Impact Social Media Tactics ($47 value)

Bonus #2 — Google Plus Exposed ($47 value)

Bonus #3 — Social Media Indicators ($47 value)

Bonus #4 — Traffic Heist ($47 value)

Bonus #5 — Capturing Customers ($47 value)

Bonus #6 — Content For Cash ($47 value)

Bonus #7 — Easy Productivity Secrets ($47 value)

Bonus #8 — Explaining Google Plus ($47 value)

Bonus #9 — Essential Guide To Sales Funnels ($47 value)

Bonus #10 — How To Master Video Marketing ($47 value)

Bonus #11 — Digital Powerhouse Secrets ($47 value)

Bonus #12 — Digital Product Creation Strategies ($47 value)

Bonus #13 — Infopreneur Branding Secrets ($47 value)

Bonus #14 — Magnetic Membership Manifesto ($47 value)

Bonus #15 — Power Ontrepreneurship Thinking ($47 value)

Bonus #16 — Supreme Email Marketing ($47 value)

Bonus #17 — The Bloggers Barrage ($47 value)

Bonus #18 — Internet Marketing Roadmap ($47 value)

Bonus #19 — ACE List Building ($47 value)

Bonus #20 — Buyers Generation 2.0 ($47 value)

Bonus Package N° 12

Bonus Package N° 13

Bonus Package N° 14

Bonus Package N° 15

Bonus Package N° 16

Social Hub Builder

(1 month license)

The Social Hub Builder will create accounts On over 100 social media sites including the majority of sites that SociVidz works with. With this bonus you will save time when wanting to setup the Social accounts that SociVidz posts to.

Viral Image Wizard (GOLD)

(Lifetime license)

With the viral image wizard you can create Stunning images and post them to social media Sites. It’s great for creating intro and outro images for your videos that you will create inside of SociVidz.

It will allow you to create animated GIF’s, various types of banners and allows you to import videos to extract images from them. The Viral Image Wizard (Gold) + SociVidz are the perfect companion.

HQ Suggest

(Lifetime license)

HQSuggest is a keyword research tool that works with 9 major search engines. You can use HQSuggest to find solid “How To” Keywords that can be used inside of SociVidz to Target videos for.

How To Videos are great to target and HQSuggest will find the best ones for you.

Bonus Package N° 17

Bonus Package N° 18

Bonus Package N° 19

Video Assassin 2.0 ($197 Value)

One of Sean’s most popular courses shows how he started making 6-Figures by unleashing the power of Video Marketing. This best-selling course reveals all the insider tactics he used to start with ZERO income to 6 Figures in under 6 months with tactics that work as well today as they did when he started. Timeless strategies you can use now!

Killer Headlines Collection ($97 Value)

Copywriters cost $1000s…So, wouldn’t it be cool if you could have some of their best headlines at your finger tips to make everything you do convert like crazy and keep your viewers hooked? Well, now you can with over 300 of the best “Fill in the Blanks” headlines ever…

Conversion Ninja ($47 Value)

No matter what kind of business you’re in, conversions are king. The bottom line of any business is making money, and the root of that money is how well your product or service converts. Learn some simple, yet astoundingly powerful ways to improve your conversions, no matter what type of marketing you’re doing. You’ll learn to improve sales pages, emails, blog posts, videos… just about anything you can think of!

Landing Page Shark ($47 Value)

Quality, effective landing pages are a crucial element of any successful online business. No matter what type of web property you have, your landing page needs to be properly optimized for maximum conversions. Learn about different types of landing pages, how to use them, and how to create stunning landing pages without a lot of technical or design experience.

Copy Samurai ($47 Value)

Copywriting is an essential skill that is easy to learn, but hard to master. If you want to make money online, you absolutely have to master the art of copywriting. Learn what it takes to write highly effective sales letters. You can use and build on these tips as you learn, and eventually you’ll be writing the kind of professional copy that makes people millions!

Scarcity Accelerator ($47 Value)

Scarcity is one of the most powerful controlling forces in marketing and genuine scarcity is the most powerful of all. In this amazing guide we show you how to create powerful scarcity factors in all your marketing efforts. Skyrocket your profits, maximize your conversions and take your marketing to the next level with these easy to apply strategies…

Affiliate Evolution ($47 Value)

It’s time to evolve. Affiliate marketing is a very powerful way to create passive streams of income. However, many of the old ways just don’t work anymore. In this guide, we show you how to capture new leads, accelerate your profits and use cutting edge tactics that Sean uses in his business to create multiple 6-figure incomes…

Bonus Package N° 20

Bonus Package N° 21

Bonus Package N° 22

Bonus Package N° 23

Bonus Package N° 24

Bonus Package N° 25

Bonus Package N° 26

Bonus Package N° 27

Bonus Package N° 28

Bonus Package N° 29

Bonus Package N° 30

30 Free Ecover Graphics Templates

10 Banner Graphics Templates

6 Guru-Style Squeeze Pages (Mobile Optimized)

63 Free Hand-Drawn Graphics

5 Facebook Covers

Bonus: 256 Premium Graphic Pack

Bonus Package N° 31

Bonus Package N° 32

1 : Get Video Traffic X by Clicking here to download it now
2: After completing the transaction, forward the receipt to my email at:
3: You will receive all Your bonus within 24 hours

>> Download Video Traffic X With Huge Bonus Package <<

