“Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen (2nd review)

Book reviews
4 min readJun 18, 2023


Book cover created by Bing Image Creator and Canva, by Book Reviews Galore (Zoran Rogič)

“Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen is a classic tale of love, social class, and, of course, pride and prejudice. And oh boy, does it deliver!

Picture this: England, in the early 19th century. Society revolves around balls, arranged marriages, and having good manners. Enter the Bennet family, with their five unmarried daughters. Mrs. Bennet is pretty much desperate to marry them off, and why wouldn’t she be? In those days, women couldn’t inherit property. So, the sisters need to marry rich to secure their future.

Image created by Bing Image Creator and Canva, by Book Reviews Galore (Zoran Rogič)

The story takes a turn when Mr. Bingley, a handsome, rich young man, moves into the nearby Netherfield estate. He’s got eyes for Jane, the eldest Bennet sister, who’s known for her beauty and sweet nature. But hold on, there’s more! Bingley’s got this buddy, Mr. Darcy, who’s even richer, but also a bit of a jerk. Darcy’s got his eye on Elizabeth Bennet, the second eldest sister, who’s pretty, smart, and has no time for Darcy’s nonsense. And there’s the fun!

Austen cleverly explores the themes of pride and prejudice through Elizabeth and Darcy. Elizabeth is prejudiced against Darcy because of his pride, while Darcy allows his pride to blind him to his growing affection for Elizabeth. It’s a real “they hate each other, they love each other” kind of story.

Image created by Bing Image Creator and Canva and further edited by Book Reviews Galore (Zoran Rogič)

Enter Mr. Darcy, a man of few words and many layers. He’s not your typical hero either. With his silent demeanor and aloof exterior, he’s more of an enigma than an open book. But as we get to know him better, we see there’s more to him than meets the eye.

The magic happens when these two collide. It’s not love at first sight, oh no. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. They’re like oil and water, fire and ice, cats and dogs — you get the picture. But, just like a complex melody, they come together in an unpredictable yet harmonious symphony. It’s not smooth sailing, but then again, what love story is?

Image created by Bing Image Creator and Canva, by Book Reviews Galore (Zoran Rogič)

But “Pride and Prejudice” isn’t just about Lizzy and Darcy. It’s also about a host of other characters who bring their own colors to the canvas. From the overzealous Mrs. Bennet to the charming Mr. Wickham, each character is a brushstroke that completes the masterpiece.

What sets this book apart, you ask? Well, it’s not just the story, as entertaining as it is. It’s the witty dialogue, the underlying humor, the sharp social commentary. Jane Austen weaves a tale that’s not only a pleasure to read but also makes you think. And the lessons aren’t served on a silver platter. They’re subtly embedded in the narrative, waiting for you to unravel them.

Image created by Bing Image Creator and Canva, by Book Reviews Galore (Zoran Rogič)

“Pride and Prejudice” isn’t just a book. It’s a journey — a journey into a bygone era, into the lives of its characters, and ultimately, into our own hearts and minds. It teaches us about love, about humility, about overcoming our shortcomings. And most importantly, it shows us that despite our flaws and follies, we’re all deserving of happiness.

So, whether you’re a hopeless romantic or a cynical realist, there’s something in “Pride and Prejudice” for you. And if you’ve read it already, consider giving it another go. Because the beauty of this book lies not just in reading it, but in revisiting it, in unearthing its layers, in discovering something new with each reading.

Image created by Bing Image Creator and Canva, by Book Reviews Galore (Zoran Rogič)

To wrap it up, “Pride and Prejudice” isn’t just a book; it’s an experience. It’s a mirror that reflects our own follies and strengths. It’s a reminder that while we’ve come a long way since the days of horse-drawn carriages and handwritten letters, the core of human nature remains the same. We’re all on a journey, grappling with our own prides and prejudices, striving to find happiness amidst the chaos.

So, grab a copy, find a cozy nook, and get ready to be transported into the world of Lizzy, Darcy, and their whirlwind journey of love and self-discovery. Trust me, it’ll be a ride worth taking. Ready? Onward, reader! Let’s dive in.

In addition to this review, I have delved into a more detailed analysis of this mesmerizing novel in a comprehensive review. For a deeper understanding and a different perspective on “Pride and Prejudice,” feel free to explore my earlier, more exhaustive review which you can find HERE.
“Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen (1st review) | by Book reviews | May, 2023 | Medium



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