Literature meets politicsAlong with her parents, Kim Thúy fled Vietnam for Canada in the late 1970s. The lawyer, translator, food journalist and bestselling author…Feb 28, 2020Feb 28, 2020
Literatur und PolitikAls Bootsflüchtling kam Kim Thúy in den frühen 1980er Jahren mit ihren Eltern in Québec an. Mittlerweile ist die Rechtsanwältin…Feb 26, 2020Feb 26, 2020
“I think better with a pencil in my hand”In just a short time, Tatjana Prenzel has achieved something many people only dream of: seeing her illustrations appear in the New Yorker…Dec 2, 2019Dec 2, 2019
„Mit einem Stift in der Hand kann ich besser denken“Tatjana Prenzel hat in kürzester Zeit geschafft, wovon viele träumen: Die Zeichnungen der jungen Frankfurter Illustratorin erscheinen im…Nov 28, 2019Nov 28, 2019
„Wir wollen den Eventcharakter der Frankfurter Buchmesse für das Publikum stärken.“Mit unserem Kollegen Frank Pauli sprechen wir über den Erlebnischarakter der Frankfurter Buchmesse und die neuen Angebote für…Aug 20, 2019Aug 20, 2019
„Business happens between people and not companies“Do you work in the education industry and would you like to benefit from a tailor-made matchmaking programme at Frankfurter Buchmesse…Aug 20, 2019Aug 20, 2019
“Libraries are facing a lot of changes”Each spring, our partner in Frankfurt Academic, the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) awards 12 students and early-career…Aug 5, 2019Aug 5, 2019
“The future of education is post-digital.”Our colleague Martina Wolff-Carrasco talks about the education community at Frankfurter Buchmesse (16–20 October 2019) and reveals how…Jul 24, 2019Jul 24, 2019
“I am what I am what I remember” The speech of Nina George at the Brazilian literature festival…I would like to thank the Frankfurter Buchmesse International and the German Federal Foreign Office für the invitation, as well as the…Jul 22, 2019Jul 22, 2019
“Ich bin was ich bin was ich erinnere” Rede von Nina George auf dem brasilianischen…Ich bin was ich bin was ich erinnereJul 22, 2019Jul 22, 2019