Micro Book Review: “Barefoot Kids”, by Scott Pape

Cherie Bell
2 min readNov 14, 2022


Barefoot Kids has sparked some really interesting conversations at our house.

I have blogged about the ways my kids can earn money (piano practice, doing my household chores and writing book reports) and I definitely don’t give them money for doing their assigned household chores. But we are getting to the point where they are really interested in getting more money and learning what more they can do with it — other than by a packet of lollies. It’s also time for them to start thinking about a different source of money instead of the Bank of Mum and Dad.

I heard @barefoot_investor on the @reading_with_a_chance_of_tacos podcast last week and immediately suggested our library order it. Scott Pape, aka The Barefoot Investor, became a huge success with his friendly, empowering approach to personal and family finances. On the podcast, he spoke about his mission to get this information onto school curriculums and the bureaucracy that thwarted his efforts.

Taking matters into his own hands he has written a book that bypasses education departments and provides kids with the knowledge to develop critical life skills like earning, saving, sharing and investing. Pape, a father of 4 young kids, has done a wonderful job of writing for a young audience by using causal language and including lots of stories and illustrations.

We didn’t have to wait for the library copy because a very clever friend had already organised a copy for us. We got it yesterday and the 12-year-old bookworm told me this morning he has finished it. Barefoot Kids will be a great resource for our family library as the wildings grow up.

