Creating Space in Your Life

How to live the internal and external life you desire!

Robin Aldrich
3 min readNov 14, 2017

How much internal space do you have available? Could you measure it in megabytes, kilobytes or gigabytes? Or is there zero room? Is your internal hard drive full?

I operated this way for years. I couldn’t tell you if I was coming or going, all while running a very successful company, managing the activities of my kids and trying to give my husband the time we both deserved.

What I began to notice was my inability to change and adapt. Every challenge brought me to the point of explosion, for which I was constantly making amends. I was miserable. Those around me were too.

Something had to change. That something was me. The change started with allowing myself to be led by someone other than me.

I’ve been blessed with friends of all ages, who are in various degrees of their own personal and professional development. I stuck close to the people who had what I wanted, balance, a life outside work, a spirit-led internal life with plenty of space for those they love.

These mentors of mine also knew how to let go of what wasn’t working for them, be it skill sets, beliefs or people.

“Sometimes we must let go of a lot before we can create enough room to grow.”

I hear people judging themselves all day long, including me. People don’t know why they feel the way they do, why they can’t just appreciate what’s in front of them, why they feel lost or adrift. I get it.

Our self-judgements let in doubt, criticism and fear. Once fear has a foothold, unless you have someone beside you who can pull you out of the muck, you may get stuck there for years.

This is why I have mentors; yes, it’s plural. I’ve learned over the years to develop strong boundaries and be accountable. I have one strong female and one male, mentor, plus a couple of wise men of God and a husband who knows all my peculiarities. I have mentors of both sex because I always let my husband know what I am doing and who I am talking to.

If you don’t have those boundaries developed just yet, stick with a mentor of your gender. There’s no sense in starting a fire where one isn’t needed. Find someone who has what you want and learn from them.

“I wouldn’t have made anything of my life without the willingness to listen and learn.”

A tool I use often is list-making, pros and cons, good and bad, right or wrong, whatever method suits you best. The important thing is to get what is going on in your head out of your brain and onto paper. When I see my thoughts or feelings, they lose their power over me, and instead become tools for growth.

By shedding all the things I carry around inside me, I create space for new life. Purging what no longer works allows me room to breathe, to pause and reflect. Then I can move forward refreshed and excited!

“Life is precious. So is your time. Treat it as such and you can live the life of your dreams! “

Robin Aldrich is the author of Bootstrapped! Creating a Small Business on a Budget. Robin founded the Boomerang Business Project in 2015 to help other small businesses thrive through personal and professional development.

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Robin Aldrich

Jesus Follower. Motivational + Performance Coach/Consultant. “Bootstrapped!” Author. Army Wife.