Tools for THINKing …

John Borthwick
4 min readNov 17, 2022


We are endlessly fascinated at betaworks by software that helps you ideate, create, and share ideas with those around you. As I wrote in July, “The web has flattened our information landscape giving us access to an unimaginable breadth of information — yet making sense of that landscape is challenging. We need tools to relate, organize, scaffold and add depth to the landscape so we can individually and collectively make sense of it.”

We believe that these tools are now being created — we are seeing startup’s use new technologies ranging from large language models and generative AI to graph databases and high-fidelity spatial user interfaces — to create tools for for how we may think.

In August we launched an accelerator focussed on this and today we’re proud to announce the amazing cohort of nine companies we selected and invested in for our THINKCamp accelerator program.

On Wednesday, December 7th at 3:30 PM ET the nine companies will present at our THINKCamp Demo Day. We’ll be gathering founders, angels, investors, partners, and other community members here in NYC to see what the companies have been building — if you’re interested in attending let us know here.

The Companies

1. Kosmik: The Spatial browser for Creators

Try Kosmik | Founding team: Paul Rony, Christophe Van Deputte

2. Second Voice: your artificially intelligent guide

Find your second voice | Founder: James Barnes

3. Startupy: A network for people in love with interesting ideas to curate and connect the best knowledge on the Internet.

Join the Startupy beta | Founding team: Sari Azout, Gabriel Nessim

4. Subconscious: Transforming the whole internet into a Tool for Thought

Imagine a notebook. It’s your diary, your art practice, your novel, your scrapbook, your thesis, your stray ideas… maybe your lifework?

Your thinking about second brain | Founding team: Gordon Brander , Chris Joel

5. Softspace: An AR knowledge mapping tool — showing you the true shape of your ideas.

SoftspaceAR | prototype 05 | Founding team: Yiliu Shen-Burke, Daniel Massey

6. Sane: A social tool for thought that combines personal knowledge management and publishing into a collective playground for thinkers.

Try the Infopunks Digital Garden | Founding team: Ida Josefiina, Tiina Peuna

7. Fermat: A spatial canvas that augments traditional workflows using Generative AI.

Try Fermat |Founding team: Pol Baladas Luna, Oriol Domingo

8. Maestro: Keeping your team in sync with AI by synthesizing and summarizing what’s going on.

Sign up for beta | Founding team: William Cheng, Justin Cranshaw

9. Gems A self-organizing whiteboard that clusters and connects sticky notes with AI.

Gems, no more lost ideas | Founding team: Lorenzo Bernaschina

On Wed 12/7/22, they’ll present at our Demo Day.

We’ll be gathering founders, angels, investors, partners, and other community members here in NYC to see what they’ve been building — if you’re interested in coming by, let us know here

And take a listen of the Tools for Thinking Podcast

