Get 100 Followers in 48 hours! #Challenge

2 min readJan 12, 2022

So, you want to reach 100 followers on Medium? Great, I do too! And I totally believe in us! WE CAN DO IT! Me and the person reading this blog post, that is. Hi there, it’s a dream of mine to join the Medium Partner Program and earn money writing interesting content but, I need those follows! I assume you need them too if you’re reading this! So, I have a challenge. I saw a guy here on Medium called Arabind7 post about the idea of a follow for follow challenge. The idea being we all have the same aspiration so why not support each other? I decided to write my own article and see if it works for me too!

Here’s how it works:

1. Follow me

2. Leave claps on my post (As many as possible. You’re allowed up to 50)

3. Leave a comment letting others know you’re participating & introduce yourself if you’d like

4. I follow you back

5. I clap for your comments

6. I go look at your posts and leave claps (I will give back equal claps for your posts so leave 50 & get 50)


Maybe you could try too if you’d like. So don’t waste any more time… FOLLOW ME! I will follow you back and NEVER unfollow. Deal? I love to help other writers and creators reach their goals! I’m just…

