Get 100 Followers on Medium in 24 hours!

2 min readJan 13, 2022

Hello! So, you’re like me right? You’ve joined Medium to share your work as a writer and you’re interested in the potential of having it pay off! Literally PAY! Maybe you’ve been seeing ads in the form of an invitation to write and get paid littering your social media profiles like I have. Good job with those ads Medium! I saw them for months, maybe even for most of the year in 2021 but I didn’t join by clicking one of those ads. Nope! I saw a YouTube video and decided I’m a good enough creative to give it a shot!

When I first joined, I wasn’t certain what to write about, so I took some drafts from my personal blog, polished them up, and dumped them here. I also wrote some short pieces and plugged those in as well and waited. I’m sort of impatient probably like you, so I began researching how to gain followers quickly because money is pretty motivating for me. I found some Facebook groups and asked questions and followed some people from there, maybe you should try that too. Soon after that I saw a post in my feed here on Medium explaining how to get 100 followers FAST! I clicked on it and decided to give the challenge a try.

I quickly opened my Microsoft Word software and wrote my own article about the challenge and encouraged others to participate.

