
Hydrogen water: the one drink that can transform your health

Discover the Antioxidant Power of Hydrogen Water for Your Health

3 ways to get you on the road to feeling better and having more energy

1. Stop putting toxins in your body (ok, obvious, but stay with me here).

2. Drink clean, purified water.

3. Get hydrogen into your water.

I want to focus on the 3rd thing. So, we’re going to get into how water infused with additional gaseous hydrogen is good for you.

Why is hydrogen so important for health? It is critical! If you look at the building blocks of the body, it’s carbon-hydrogen chains.

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe. Approx 90 percent of all atoms are made up of hydrogen. It is an element present in all the fluids of the human body, which allows toxins and waste to be transported and eliminated. With the help of hydrogen, joints in our body remain lubricated and able to perform their functions.

Our bodies are essentially designed to produce hydrogen. It’s produced during fermentation of our food in the large intestine. If you disrupt your gut, you can no longer produce hydrogen effectively (step 1 above). This adversely affects your body’s ability to manage oxidation and inflammation.

Take a second to consider the cells in your body. None of us can say that all of our cells are working effectively all the time, and communicating with each other appropriately. A vital component of every cell in our bodies is mitochondria, and their essential function of ATP production. Check out our article on mitochondria to get a feel for how important these inter cellular organelles are.

How, then, does hydrogen water help with mitochondrial ATP production and all the functions of mitochondria?

Well, hydrogen is an excellent scavenger of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), which is a damaging free radical produced as a result of mitochondrial metabolism. Most people think of free radicals as bad. The truth is most radicals have a physiological role that are life sustaining. The ones we really want to get rid of are cytotoxic oxygen radicals, known as ROS — cytotoxic meaning cell damaging.

As I said, ROS are produced in the mitochondrial respiratory chain and adversely affect mitochondrial function.

Hydrogen acts as a therapeutic antioxidant by selectively reducing cytotoxic oxygen radicals.

You’ll often hear the term ‘antioxidants mopping up free radicals’.

It is a bit of a chicken or egg situation though. Most people, when they have no energy, eat sugar and carbs to get a boost, which end up producing high levels of cytotoxic radicals.

Well, if you’re producing enough ATP, because your mitochondria are working effectively, you have enough energy, and you’re not going to go for the short term sugar or carb boost as much.

We all suffer from gut dysfunction to some degree, affecting brain function, mitochondrial function and immune functions. Drinking hydrogen water can help alleviate joint pain, brain fog, and generally get everything working the way it’s supposed to.

The reality is we should be producing hydrogen in our body, but to do that, you have to have anaerobic microflora. The problem is, most people’s polarity of the tissue in the gut is reversed. It’s a positive electrical charge instead of negative. So they’ll have more aerobic bacteria than they should.

When you have aerobic bacteria, not only do you have sugar and carb cravings, you also can’t process fibre and fat.

The real problem is your food desires are based on the bacteria in your gut and what it can process. So gluten and dairy issues, food allergies, are essentially gut issues. Some people eat salad and then have diarrhoea. You then know you have gut issues. You should be able to process fibre but you can’t. When hydrogen gets into the gut, it will selectively stimulate anaerobic microflora, and your immune function will come back.

You should be able to process gluten and dairy. We’ve been doing it for thousands of years. You should be able to eat whatever you want to eat. It should be a balanced diet, but the fact that we have food allergies significantly on the rise isn’t anything other than your gut can’t process those foods. We, therefore, need to get the right bacteria into your gut.

Many people, for example, take medication for acid reflux. Stomach acid is simply hydrochloric acid, or HCL. What’s the ‘H’? Yep, hydrogen. When you’re not producing hydrogen, you’re not producing stomach acid properly, and therefore have to supplement HCL with tablets. Simply drinking hydrogen water, with gaseous hydrogen in it, means you don’t need HCL tablets anymore and your acid reflux is gone that day.

We’re not talking miracle cure here. This is what your body is supposed to have in the first place. There are over 200 biomolecules that have been identified that hydrogen regulates in the body. The issue is a hydrogen deficiency, and that’s because your gut is not functioning.

If you get this into balance, your foods will change, any anxiety will change for the better. The more aerobic bacteria you have, the more depressed and anxiety ridden you’ll be. The more anaerobic microflora, you’ll be happier, with more energy, and looking at the world more positively.

A really effective way of getting hydrogen from water is using a hydrogen water machine that infuses water with gaseous hydrogen. Also, don’t have your body be your filter. Remove the heavy metals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and hormones from your drinking water first. Don’t think about that too long; just know you need to be filtering your water.

Check out the DeAqua Hydrogen Water Bottle here

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Rachael Cousins writes as Botanical Biohacker

My journey of restoration and resilience as I try and outsmart a hungry brain tumour and reclaim my senses, being stolen by The Silent Thief