Terror, Trust & Time to Change

Bountiful Cow.
2 min readFeb 9, 2017


Some of you may have seen this morning’s article in the Times, and it’s produced a pretty busy day for us here at Bountiful Cow (although it might have been reasonably busy a few other agencies too – albeit for different reasons).

It’s really not that often that the state of our industry is plastered all over the front pages of a national newspaper, but frankly given the rumblings that have started coming along of late it probably isn’t too much of a surprise.

Whilst we have been strong advocates of improving the way that our industry works believe it or not I actually read the article with mixed emotions and a significant level of sadness regarding the collective mess the industry has got into. Whilst the article itself primarily concentrates on how some of our major household brands have got caught up in some of the perils of controlling online exposure (which isn’t an easy or straightforward thing to do) it also alludes to the more powerful and fundamental underlying factors that have been driving this behaviour.

The obsession (requirement?) with driving income at the potential expense of the quality of ‘the work’ and the resultant biases, blind eyes and frankly indifference that come once an agency focus is set on something other than simply doing brilliant work for their clients is the fulcrum of the all the problems outlined in The Times.

Building brands take time and care, they rely on trust and an inherent belief that they can help consumers re-affirm their purchase decisions. They can take years to build but seconds to destroy if they aren’t given the care that they need.

It amazes me that we continue to read kafkaesque assertions such as ‘the big six agencies that responded emphasised their commitment to their clients’ brands and denied any allegations of wrong doing’. I suppose we’re in an age of alternative facts now, after all. The reality is we all know things need to change - wouldn’t it be nice if we all took collective responsibility for that change as opposed making the carpet ever lumpier?

This continually evolving narrative simply reaffirms why we have set up Bountiful Cow. Today’s Times article is only the latest chapter in the longer unfolding story with much yet to be written, from staff disquiet to an ANA report to huge client pitches to national UK news stories; from small acorns grow mighty trees… what’s next, one is left to ponder?

In the meantime, we’ll keep answering the phone.



Bountiful Cow.

Creatively-led comms strategy, planning & investment. Independent. The Free Range Media Agency.