Alternative Trading Systems and the Future of ICOs

Drew Mailen
3 min readMar 10, 2018

The funding process of ICOs will change forever with the advent of Alternative Trading Systems (ATS) as a staking mechanism.’s tZero may be the biggest example of the exhuberance of exclusivity that perhaps all ICOs will inevitably inherit.

But what makes these ICOs so inaccessible?

You can access tZero’s ICO funding right now via StartEnginge on one condition. You have to be an accredited investor. It’s selective. It’s like the lunch table in the movie Mean Girls. Invite only ICOs for people who look good on paper. Gab knows what I’m talking about. seems like a credible gamble to what may seem like a sea of unfamilar names in the cryptoworld, especailly if you are a new investor.

You may want to invest in it because of the familiarity of the name However, you probably can’t.

To become an accredited investor, you must meet one of two qualifications. This leaves out many of the smaller investors besides millionaires.

Meanwhile, venture capitalists and banks are developing ATS platforms.

These platforms serve nearly all of the same purposes as that of an exchange…

