This Google Maps Travel-Hack Will Save You HOURS on Vacation

Drew Mailen
3 min readJul 27, 2018

Going to a new place this summer? Google Maps “saved places” feature can be your newest best friend.

My Travel Map for Portland, Maine

My partner and I had been playing a trip to the Hudson Valley for about a month before the weekend we made the trip.

Leading up to that weekend, I had Googled every food blog and watched every video related to Hudson + Food that has ever been created, or close to it. From the dozens of Youtube Influencers to the NY Times write-ups, to the Food and Wine Magazines features, and then all the personal recommendations from friends, some of whom have attended the CIA, I comprised the list into “Saved Places” on Google.

Having this list was advantageous because of a few reasons:

  1. We had options that were pre-screened. It saved us time, and loads of data, instead of having to Google on-the-spot.
  2. We had more time to talk while on the trip itself instead of having to spend however many minutes looking for new places to eat every day.
  3. When we went to a specific establishment in a certain neighborhood, we already knew other establishments in the vicinity. It allowed us to spend more time in specific neighborhoods instead of bar or food hopping all around the city. That is fun sometimes…

