How Yoga Taught Me About Blockchain

Drew Mailen
4 min readMar 18, 2018
Me on the Top of Lion’s Head, Cape Town South Africa

Blockchain and yoga may not seem complimentary. One is a perfectly distributed Ledger that is revolutionizing every industry from real estate to voting, and the other is a thousands year old ancient tradition now practiced in nearly every single country in the world.

But where does blockchain fit in?

Yoga is usually practiced with a group of people all in the same room at the same time. Each yogi’s execution of a pose can be transparent to any other practitioner. We may gaze at another yogi’s execution of a pose, not with jealousy, but to validate our own asana.

The correctness in each pose is dependent on an interconnected lineage of teachers and other yogis who we have depended on one another to show what the correct asana looks like since the beginning of yoga. The public ledger works the same way.

This is how validation occurs within blockchain.

Every transaction is validated against master nodes. The master nodes interact with a series of every transaction ever recorded to validate exactly where the virtual currency you have came from.

These are two of the many examples of Sataya, the yogic principle of truthfulness, that can be found in Blockchain.

From one comes many.

