Meet the Box Developer Relations Team

Box Developers
3 min readNov 22, 2022


It’s Thanksgiving week, and one of the most important things we are thankful for is the Box Platform community. Since we are a fairly new team, we wanted to introduce ourselves.

Scott Hurrey

Hello all! I’m Scott Hurrey, the Head of Developer Relations here at Box. I joined Box back in May. I’ve been doing DevRel officially since 2009, though the 12 years before that I was a C/VB developer for a middleware application, so understand the joys and pains of consuming an API, and found my love and passion for helping developers succeed in doing so.

As you can see, my other main passion is music. I’m currently a snare drummer in the City of Winchester Pipes and Drums in Winchester, VA. I really enjoy music as a way to unwind from a tough day. You’d be surprised how relaxing it can be to beat on the drum loud enough that you can’t hear the bag pipes!

I look forward to working with you all in the coming years as we strive to provide the best Developer Experience in the industry! Don’t hesitate to reach out with questions, comments, and concerns. We’re here to help!

Olga Stefaniuk

Hello there, I recently switched from frontend development to developer advocacy to connect my passions for knowledge sharing, community building, and coding at the same time. I have been a proud Boxer since October 2022 and a team leader at the non profit organization girls.js in Poland. I’m also interested in web accessibility and mountain biking.

Alex Novotny

What’s up everyone? I’m Alex — you may have seen me on the Box developer blog or on our YouTube channel before. I’ve been a Boxer since October 2019. I started in Box Consulting, switching over to developer relations once I found my passion for helping developers learn how to use Box Platform.

I have a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre from Southern Arkansas University and a Masters of Business Administration from Oklahoma State University. I’m a self taught coder who has been working with technology and specifically software development since 2015.

I grew up in Stillwater, Oklahoma — yes, the city where Matt Damon’s most recent movie was set. In my spare time, I’m an avid woodworker and baker! I also spend lots of quality time with my two children, who I adopted from foster care. Today, I live in Austin, Texas, the live music capital of the world.

Rui Barbosa

Hi folks, throughout the years I’ve been a developer advocate, a solutions architect, a trainer, and a developer. I love to code and trying to keep up with technology, also I like to make stuff with microcontrollers and 3D printers.

I joined Box in April 2022 and it has been a great experience reaching out to the Box Platform Developer community.

Happy Thanksgiving!

