10 Questions With BoyCope [Episode 4]

7 min readJun 28, 2022


Yello, guys!
Welcome to the show; It’s 10 Questions With Boycope. Be advised that this is an avenue for interaction where we get to learn about the success stories, personal life, interesting facts and even uninteresting facts if there be any, about our guests; both inside and outside the web3 space.

This is the 4th episode of the show. We are glad to inform readers we have another special guest in our midst, as always. Happy to have with us; Shillbo Baggins — A DeFi maestro, Martial Arts Instructor, A Gamer, A Writer and A Gemini.

Shillbo, you’re welcome to the show.

Shillbo Baggins:
Thank you, it’s nice to virtually be here.

Nice to have you.

Permit me to ask, Why Shillbo Baggins? I know the name as part of a major character in the popular Lord of The Rings franchise.

Shillbo Baggins:
I used to have a big public social media profile and I wanted to change it up and be anonymous. I also wanted to stay out of politics and limit the endless fitness model booty videos in my stream, so I decided to use an anon name that was focused mainly on crypto. Also, let’s me shill without shame.

Haha. Understandable. But then, are you so into the franchise, like a big lover and fan of the series or choosing the name was just coincidental?

Shillbo Baggins:
I’m a total nerd.
So yeah, big fan

Great. Lovely. Now, we know the origin of the great name Shillbo Baggins.

Shall we now get on to the 10 questions?

Shillbo Baggins:

Question 1 when did you get into crypto?

Shillbo Baggins:
Late 2017… like December I think
My brother got me into it. I actually hated money.
But, I’m also really good at games. This was kinda like a game

Hahaha. Was it difficult at the onset? Trying to get to know what DeFi means, how to trade and the likes?

Shillbo Baggins:
Well there wasn’t really DeFi like we know now. Mostly just Binance and Coinbase to onramp some fiat and buying all kinda of questionable shit. It was hard because even then there were a lot of choices and you had to research to find what was relevant.

Wow. I can’t even imagine that. But I believe it must have been tasking. What was your first thought when you started out? Did you consider it shitty or something interesting? Because, most people usually assume Crypto to be shitty on first trial.

Shillbo Baggins:
No, I knew it was going to upend traditional finance. I could tell right away that there was something mysterious but powerful behind the movement, so I dove in. I watched a lot of Ivan on Tech in those days…lol. that’s where my name became popular bc of all the shoutouts on livestream. Those streams were a very healthy way for people to help each other understand the complexity of the space.

Wow. Amazing, just amazing.

Out of curiosity, in Question 2, I’d like to ask, how you found The Dictator and the Levx DAO?

Shillbo Baggins:
I was asked to write a tutorial for Maidcoin and I accepted.
I actually really loved that game and concept and still think it could work in the future especially with ve tokenomics.

This means you’ve known the Dictator for close to two years if I’m not wrong? Though, I’m not sure about the date Maidcoin was created.

Shillbo Baggins:
I’m not even sure. Maybe a lil over a year.
I don’t really know him. I’m still trying to get him to notice me.


But I’m pretty sure he knows you. .

Question 3 what’s your take on the present situation in the market. What would you advice people do?

Shillbo Baggins:
Buy $ETH and $BTC don’t trade shitcoins until $ETH has pumped from here and consolidated again higher.

Thanks for the tip.

Let’s head on to Question 4, since you started Crypto, in the year 2017 till this moment, have you ever, even once, experienced a financial setback?

Shillbo Baggins:
Yeah absolutely, COVID dip was excruciating. But, I bit the bullet and that’s when I made the most money.
That’s also when DeFi started. I got into Uniswap, CREAM, Sushi etc. and started writing articles to help other newbs.

Interesting. Were you paid for most of these articles or was this just your way of helping newbs? I’m aware you still make these articles. Your last one is ever inspirational to me.

Shillbo Baggins:
Haha thanks! I wasn’t paid at first. I have been paid for only a few. I really just wanted to create helpful content.
I’ve deleted several as well, just to be fair. Lol

You’re a great one, ser. Thanks for all you do.

For Question 5, in your opinion, what do you think about starters in Crypto who have nothing or close to $0 as networths? Do they have a future in this space?

Shillbo Baggins:
Yes, DCA into ethereum, create art, etc… We are currently in an excellent entry point for people to begin learning about what’s out there, what works, how it works, and what opportunities are available to profit from your talents and conviction.

Question 6 To you, based on past experiences, are friends on Web3 greater or equal to friends in reality?

Shillbo Baggins:
I’ve always said if you want a friend, you have to BE a friend, so I suppose it’s possible to have really great friends here. Tbh, I have amazing friends in real life, but it comes at a cost like anything else. What’s your risk profile kwim?
Great questions btw

Thanks. Hm. That’s wisdom.

To Question 7, have you tried bringing people IRL into Crypto? I know you have a girlfriend because you revealed that some weeks ago. Does she know?

Shillbo Baggins:
Yeah, she’s down tho…so….uh…we need to pump soon. But yeah, I definitely have. It’s kinda like convincing someone to go work out with you. They can get a gym membership, but that doesn’t mean they’ll get in shape. It’s up to them.

Hahaha. That’s a very hilarious fact. Very very correct. I guess some people find it tiring, especially in this current period where the market is down bad.
Question 8 what are your hobbies outside Crypto?

Shillbo Baggins:
Wow, a lot actually. I’m a martial arts instructor, I read a lot of ancient history, occult writings, daoism and mysticism. I work out a lot, hike, …I’m a Gemini so I’m interested in a lot of things.

Amazing. Pretty sure you could duel Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee in a fistfight rn.

You mentioned earlier you were good in gaming. Does this involve the usual games teenagers love? Like the GTA? Call of Duty? FIFA and the likes?

Shillbo Baggins:
I’ve played dungeons and dragons since I was 9. I’m pretty good at chess and strategy games. I’m good at most sports, shooter games, paint ball, rpgs…I’m really humble too

Haha. Wow. Didn’t really picture you as that kinda guy. Because, you seem like someone who would be quiet and gentle in reality.

Question 9 what do you think about Levx DAO? Where do you assume it will be in 6 months time?

Shillbo Baggins:
You know, it’s blind faith. I’m going with my intuition on this one (LEVX DAO).

I believe LevX knows how to code. I’ve seen it. I believe he is genuinely interested in working in this field and that he is excited about experimenting with his financial inventions.

I’ve always said talent is pleasurable practice. I think LevX believes in himself and that’s what you should look for in anyone.

He might be insane.
I also might be to some degree…ahaha. But, when you’re on to something, it feels like you’re going crazy. But really this is crypto. What’s crazy?

Haha. You will the one most qualified to write a well-detailed biography of the Dictator.

And the last question, Question 10 What is your networth, on Crypto?

Shillbo Baggins:
Not today, CIA


Lmaao. Thanks so much for honouring our invitation, Shillbo. This was an interesting conversation. Learnt alot. Thanks so so much.

Shillbo Baggins:
Yeah, it was really cool. Thanks for inviting me.


Quote To Note [Q2N]

In every episode, a special quote made by the guest is recorded and grafted in pictorial format for historical purposes and record.

Shillbo Baggins


This week’s meme was hard to choose. Not because memes were difficult sorting out on the internet but simply because the memes are here for free just for the purpose to make you laugh or smile. But that’s none . . .





Writer| Rapper| Comedian| Storyteller| Punster| BagOfTalent| I could go on, sadly I'm out of words.