How to validate your startup idea

Bradley Vangelder
3 min readOct 15, 2022

Everyone starts off with an idea. Check out Mark Zuckerberg, who started Facebook out of his dorm with little to no resources. He eventually had the power of the Havard network which makes this a bad example for current starting entrepreneurs. These days the markets are crowded with solutions to problems that’s why it’s a must to validate your idea! But why?

Example of a failed product

Danny Malony, the CEO of Tailwind told that he started his first product by asking his family and friends for feedback about it. They were all positive and excited, but in the end, no one used it. He spend a tremendous amount of time creating the product but eventually got zero users after all the good feedback from his relatives. We call this “wasting valuable time”. But how do you validate the right way?

After his failed project Danny created another version of his product, but this time he asked for feedback from “potential users”. These potential users were using a similar product to manage their problems. The thing he did right this time was to ask where the room for improvement was and what functionalities could be added to limit the pain. This enabled Danny to create a product his customers belonged for, by just asking the right people the right questions. This is how you can do it better!



Bradley Vangelder

Working on a transparent job hunting platform by developers for developers