Brain-Computer Interface and Its Brief History

5 min readAug 3, 2018


The brain-computer interface (BCI) is a system which provides direct data exchange between the brain and electronic devices. In this way, data can be forwarded to an external device and data can be received from the devices. Although BCI technology is mainly used in medical and military fields, its usage is expanding over time.

The first BCI researches on humans have been carried out in the 1960s. In the study, subjects were provided with the ability to control a slide machine by electroencephalography (EEG) method, which measures brain waves. Although this study was the beginning of an entire research focus, it still had not taken the name of BCI at the time. The real birth of the term “brain-computer interface” occurred in the 1970s.

In these periods, the BCI research has focused more on the recovery of lost sensory and motor functions. Researches have focused on cochlear implants for hearing loss, artificial limbs developed for the patients who lost their limbs due to an accident or an amputation, and many other treatment methods. Later on, an idea has emerged that the BCI could be used not only for “enabling” but also for “augmenting”. Besides that, the military has started to show interest in this technology. The United States, with its enormous military budget, has made a great contribution in the development of this discipline. Therefore, in this article, we prefer to focus on BCI researches carried out in the USA more.

In the US, the first institution that comes to mind in terms of science-fiction-level innovation and future research is DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). DARPA is an institution that allocates funds for entrepreneurial initiatives rather than doing its own research. Over the years, it has funded many revolutionary projects and research, including the internet. It is now one of the largest sponsors and supporters of the BCI.

Today, thanks to the advancement of BCI technology:

  1. Multifunctional prosthetic limbs can be developed for people who have lost their limbs.
  2. It can provide communication opportunity for the people with diseases such as ALS (which is one of many Locked-in Syndromes) which can make it almost impossible for the person to communicate with the world.
  3. People can be supported for their cognitive functions such as meditation, learning, and recall.
  4. People can be provided the ability to control a variety of external electronic devices.
  5. Man-made devices can be produced for the damages on sense organs.

The ones that can be achieved with 2018 technology are already quite advanced. Apart from these, the developments envisaged for the future of the BCI are as follows:

  1. Two-way data transfer: Today’s technology has become more specialized on data transmission from the human to the machine. With the solution of the two-way data transfer problem, data will be transferred from the machine to the human brain and fully closed loop BCI applications will be developed. Current BCI applications are able to provide audiovisual or visual feedback to people for sure. The aim is to take this a step further.
  2. Visual and auditory cortex stimulation: The aim here is to create an artificial hearing and vision with signals sent directly to the brain, without a monitor or headphones. The good news is that successful steps have been taken in animal experiments.
  3. More consistent and potent signal transduction: The biggest problem with EEG, EMG and similar measurement methods is that it is not easy to obtain information by analyzing these signals, due to their low resolution.
  4. Using external electronic devices: Although limited nowadays, BCI applications such as drone controlling are available. It is aimed to increase such opportunities in the future.
  5. Information transfer between the brains: Telepathy is made possible by technology.

As is seen, the BCI is now being used for medical purposes, but the role projected for the BCI in the future also includes the use of healthy people. The touch screen gave us a great deal of innovation and opportunity to interact with electronic devices when it first came into existence. Who knows what kind of different applications are waiting for us with the use of the BCI as a brand-new method of interaction?

Here are some of the BCI programs funded by DARPA:


Telepresence is a word formed by the combination of the prefix “tele-” which means “remote” and the word “presence”. It can be interpreted as “remote presence”. The main reason why the military is interested in this issue is to enable to produce military equipment which allow the remote control with the brain. There are some studies related to telepresence. As a result of a study at the University of Minnesota, an application has been developed in which a drone can be controlled with sheer thought with 90% success.

Getting information from a place without having to be there or commanding a device remotely: they will take their places in our lives as very interesting technologies.

Robotic Strengthening and Exoskeletons

Work is also being done to increase the potential of the motion system with devices worn by people. This is actually a technology that has been modeled and presented to people in the area of science-fiction for many years. Hollywood’s Iron Man and Crysis from the video game world can be given as very good examples of robot strengthening. Such equipment can be used to allow movement and use of force at superhuman level. External skeletons or armors can be developed, to strengthen the fist by figuring out the movement pattern from intentions, and to jump much higher.

Wound Healing

At the beginning of the article, we have mentioned about how alternatives were created (and were improved if possible) with BCI for the damaged limbs. Since we have not reached ultimate point yet in this field, research and development is still ongoing.

Silent Speech

This program aims to enable people to communicate at the language level without sound. There are many areas of use for people with speech impairment, for soldiers who need to remain silent, or for healthy people who want to use this kind of technology. In theory, just by thinking quietly, it promises to do everything which Siri, Cortana, and Google Assistant can do with voice. MIT’s AlterEgo study summarizes the point where this technology is today.





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