Brandon Relph
3 min readFeb 19, 2016

Wow. It has really been 2 years. It seems like only yesterday that we started this adventure that is goCreative.

Back when we started it was just the two of us. We used to hang out on a server hosted on my computer, where we would build to our hearts content. This was actually quite funny as we could only build when I had got home from school and my parents harsh bedtime rules meant I had to shut it down really early. Florian hated me for this!

A few months down the line, and a few commissions later, we finally upgraded to a dedicated server. This was one of our best choices; it allowed us to have a server 24/7 and finally start inviting people onto the team. Notably George (Drakey) who stayed with us for a long time and really helped accelerate the team and Chase (Knuckles) who is still with us today.

By the end of year one we had some alright projects. These were really nothing in comparison to what we produce today. They really were not cutting edge but the commissioners seemed to be happy. We were then welcomed into the build community where we met a bunch of great builders. At this point we really felt at home and were really passionate at what we were doing.

Minecon 2015 was a big highlight for us both. We got to meet some great people from the community. We also extended our name and met a ton of new people too. A memory I always have is when we (nearly) met Elon Musk. After much deliberation with Sean (Hydraxus) and Mike (Prolethium ) Florian was given the job of trying to go and say hi. Florian was unfortunately met with the backhand of his personal bodyguard but we got a wave from him never the less. It was great though that we spotted him and the event as a whole is something that I will not forget.

After coming back from Minecon we really started to grow. We met our now lead architect Jason (Necrosys) and started talks with the build team ‘Solace’ about merging. This was very surreal experience as in comparison we were alot smaller than them. On the 30th of August 2015 we officially merged with Solace. This was followed by a merge with Octovon on the 17th October 2015. These were both teams that we had looked up to and we had grown the team with them.

With the success of some of the builds that occurred shortly after the merges we were able to push goCreative out even further. The release of the Eighth Hour and some of our members personal projects projected the team into a really fast growth rate.

In early December I received a phone call from the BBC and this was the point we knew we were doing something right. Following from this, the press kept on showing interest in what we were doing and that was an amazing feeling. By the end of 2015 we were in national papers and even appeared on international sites.

In the early parts of this year we have been working away on some projects which we are exited to release. These are some of the best work we have produced to date and it is all because of the wonderful team we have.

Florian and I would just like to extend our thanks to all the goCreative builders, past and present. We would also like to thank the other people that we have met along the way who have helped inspire us and given us motivation to go on. 2016 is looking to be the best year yet and I thank you all for joining our journey.

Signing off,

Brandon Relph and Florian Funke (goCreative Founders)

Brandon Relph

Developer. Young Entrepreneur. 15 Years Old. CEO and Founder of @goCreativeMC and @BlockArtsMC