A Poem of Lament: Are you there?

Doug Braun
2 min readMay 19, 2024


Thank you for the universe with all of its majesty and wonder.
Thank you for a place to live with all of its beauty.
Thank you for a community of believers and a place to belong.
Thank you for your spirit and your day-to-day love.

But Lord…

As I strive to walk in the path you’ve laid before me, my footsteps do stumble.
As the tides of my circumstances test me, I struggle to keep my head above the waves.
As I yearn for your strength, my courage is drained.
As the pain of my struggles consume me, my eyes waiver from you.

Oh Lord…

Oh Lord, as I struggle, are you aware?
Oh Lord, as I cry out for help, do you hear me?
Oh Lord, as I wait in the quietness, will you answer me?
Oh Lord, are you there?

Lord, may I ask…

As the millions of stars throughout the galaxies radiate their brilliance, shine Your illuminating light upon my path and guide my steps.
As Your perfect planning is portrayed through nature, order the direction of my life.
As You are the source of all power, grow in me an unending inner strength through Your Spirit.
As You continue to work on me, change me through my pain so I might be better used by You.

Please Lord…

Please mold me into the vessel You always knew I could be.
Please grow in me a willingness and generosity to help those in need.
Please shield me from the distractions that surround and attempt to derail us.
Please teach me so that others may also learn.

Yes Lord…

I trust that when the sun sets upon my Earthly journey and I look back upon my life, that in hindsight I will realize that You were always with me every step of the way.
That You were picking me up when I stumbled and giving me time to grow, and when I listened You were steering me through the rich tapestry of life’s interactions.
That despite my inadequacies, our community of believers remained true to Your calling.
And that through Your believers, Your kingdom is in the good hands of the next generation.

(by Doug Braun)

Read the expected story behind the writing of this lament.



Doug Braun

Dad, entrepreneur, IT architect, problem solver — always learning. Love new technology, cycling, strong coffee, outer space, and helping those in need.