Dev Blog #1

Brawler Bearz
6 min readSep 4, 2022
This is me! Scott, core dev of Brawler Bearz, Twitter: @ScottMitchell18

For the first dev blog, I’ll do a quick background on myself. In the web2 world, I am a principal software engineer that has worked for startups, gov tech (NASA), and big corps (PayPal &Under Armor). As a full-stack engineer, I helped lead, architect, and build billion-dollar scalable software products. For the past 1.5 years, my passions have centered around web3 though I started building dApps in late 2016. My NFT journey began in early 2021, where I helped build analytical tools for NBA Top Shot (, dev’ed a moderately successful NFL utility NFT and fantasy game, “The owners club,” with Own The Moment, and launched a 3d on-chain metadata NFT called Unifriends that featured utilities like 2d/3d blockchain integrated games, gasless marketplace, chance games, etc. I’ve learned a lot in the last couple of years, and I believe Brawler Bearz will be one of my best projects.

The Overview of Brawler Bearz Tech

  • On mint of the Brawler Bearz NFT, we will have deployed 10 contracts needed for our launch utility and NFTs. This includes the Access pass (ERC721a), Soul-bound token faction system (ERC1155), on-chain metadata rendering, Genes/DNA system (auto-generated), Cross-chain L1-L2 staking system, $CREDIT ERC20 token, item shop (ERC1155), $CREDIT gasless marketplace, training/questing contracts, and the actual Brawler Bearz NFT. This also includes code generation for the AJ walker alias algorithm for O(1) trait selection. Inspired by aleph from Alpha Dogs! As of today, we have deployed most of the contracts on Goerli/Mumbai and are testing to ensure our mint and platform are a success!
  • We airdropped and minted out (in 5 mins!) the Brawler Bearz Access pass, allowing our first OG community to grow. The Access pass gets you a free claim of a brawler bear NFT, a dedicated alchemy node, alpha mirror channels for 12+ call groups, and giveaways based on your pass multiplier. You can purchase one of these before our mint date on OS.
  • We created a Soul bound token (SBT) implementation to join one of the four primary factions in Neo City. Each faction has special boosts and future IRL utility. We will hopefully extend the faction system into mini-DAOs that allow leaders and community members to decide what direction they would like the faction to go.
  • We will utilize a gas-efficient NFT contract, ERC721Psi, with Chainlink VRF integration that allows for truly random and gaussian distributed metadata. Credit to @0xEstarriol and MedievalDao for inspiration.
This is on-chain base64 encoded metadata
  • Our drop will have 3 primary mint functions. There will be a Whitelist mint, a public mint, and the free claims from holding an access pass. Whitelist mints will feature a very cool chance game where you will have the opportunity to get airdropped an ERC1155 equipable item of various rarity. This will ONLY go to paid whitelist mints! So basically, you get 2 NFTs for every single purchase.
Whitelist mint -> 2 Bearz NFTs and 2 random shop items
Locked / Unlocked metadata is used on chain
  • The staking mechanic will leverage the FX-portal for cross-chain state sync from ETH (L1) to Polygon (L2). This will allow for post-stake training and quest mechanics that will be gasless thru platforms like biconomy. This type of staking system has been done by Llamaverse, Gaming Ape Club, and Roo Troop just to name a few.
  • We have created an evolving NFT with on-chain XP, levels, and 4 stat lines (Strength, Endurance, Intelligence, and Luck) that will change-over-time based on training and questing.
LEVEL = 1 + sqrt(XP / 2000)
Stat = BASE_STAT * LEVEL, where BASE_STAT is calculated via gaussian distribution from the randomized seed

The stats will be used across the gaming ecosystem and play a big part in the Bear vs. Bear brawler seasons called “The Underground.”

A test sample of a gaussian distribute stat line from Chainlink VRF seed
  • We have created one of the first dynamic on-chain metadata NFTs where the metadata (name, lore, & traits) and the image change after you equip/unequip ERC1155 items and create bear “DNA,” a uniquely encoded uint256. A minted bear will have base traits, but as you participate in quests or earn $CREDIT, you will be able to buy equipable weapons, armor, face armor, eyewear, backgrounds, and other miscellaneous items. Some items will be super rare, and when you attach them, you can sell the thing w/ the Bear. The cool part is that when sold, the person who buys the Bear can unequip it and own the item NFT as well!
BEARZ DNA — “1353081808457572177834261086208”
This is just sample/test traits but the weapon is an equipped ERC1155 NFT!
The collapsed JSON view generated from the base64 encoding
Equip and Unequip contract functions if we had no UI
  • Our interactive and immersive web app is where you will perform your daily actions. When you are staked and your NFT is “locked,” you will be able to “train” your Bear for XP or “quest” your Bear in the wastelands. The latter has an interesting dynamic where you have a chance at airdropping ERC1155 items of various rarity and a $CREDIT token. Our platform will also feature a “Shop” that will allow you to buy/sell/trade your items and use your $CREDIT in mini-games like slot machines and chance games!

Check out the music and Neo City today!

This is just the beginning for Brawler Bearz and covers the novel and unique NFT we are creating and the utility platform around the NFT.

We plan on open-sourcing or sharing our contract implementations post-mint and do more dev blogs as I continue our web3 tech journey!

Sample Dynamic Image Generation based on DNA and equipped items!



Brawler Bearz

𝘍𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘰𝘳 𝘥𝘪𝘦. 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘸𝘭𝘦𝘳𝘴... 𝘊𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘣𝘴 - @Bearz_Collabs