Encrypted Live Streaming Service Makes a Debut

2 min readJun 5, 2017


Source: http://www.adweek.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2015/10/shutterstock_242527963.jpg

Los Angeles, CA, (5 June 2017): Brax.Me, a privacy app startup from Los Angeles, CA, recently unveiled their brand-new audio/video live-streaming feature. This isn’t your average live streaming service. Built over an encrypted platform and managed communities, content creators can make private broadcasts to managed audiences. The app has everything one needs to create and watch quality streams, communicate with audiences, and enable monetization.

With Brax.Me, broadcasters can host exclusive seminars, meetings, church services, musical events and much more with private streaming. Keep up the lively conversations and create more dialogue with fans through its encrypted text chat.

Aside from private streams, the app provides Twitch and Youtube Live integration which allows one to restream a public broadcast to a private audience. Showcase video game footage, sports events, musical performances, political talk, or even just casual chats about the weather or music. Create your own channels, set up show times, and build an audience in the blink of an eye! As a bonus, private live-streaming eliminates stalkers, spammers, doxing, and other threats to your internet safety.

Brax.Me also comes with end-to-end encrypted private chat, discussion rooms, and encrypted file sharing to safely exchange information. Brax.Me markets also to enterprises, and provides solutions for customer engagement, allowing the exchange of Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

For more information, visit https://brax.me or contact Robert Adams at press@brax.me.

About Brax.Me: Brax.Me is an internet privacy company based out of Los Angeles, CA. Founded in 2013 by Rob Braxman, the company vision is to eliminate an internet footprint, preventing big-data companies and governments from behavioral tracking and mass surveillance.

13528 Maxella Ave.
Unit 560
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
(424) 272–0491




Brax.Me - App Building Private Communities. Privacy, Anonymity, Liberty. No profiling, tracking, surveillance. E2E Encrypted. https://brax.me. iOS/Android/Web