Signalis Replika’s short Overview | AEON PROTEKTORS & ADMIN UNITS.

Fazil Babashov
7 min readDec 25, 2023


Achtung! This text is under the WIP Stage. It’s been a long while since my last text. You may see mistakes etc in text. If any are presented — text me in Discord: realbornwild

Thank you/Danke!

Album cover for the Article. Made by me (@Born_wild)

While speaking with a cool fella (M.S.E.Advanced) about the insignia and meanings in Signalis — he suggested I make a text to better understand the hierarchy, look, insignia e.t.c of replikas in the game.

This text aims to improve fanart and general understanding of the Replikas by using Sierpinski’s S-23 Mining facility as an example.

Currently, I’ve made a text for AEON high-ranked units only. In the next article — I will add the rest: ARAR, EULR, LSTR & MNHR. These replikas are workers and most of them don’t have any insignia at all (besides colors, hats, body shapes, and else).

Important notes

  1. Sierpiński triangle — a symbol that will be used on all Replikas insignia and posters during LSTR’s adventure in the S-23 facility throughout the game. The astrological symbol for Leng — Sierpiński triangle too.

2. There are 6 Generations of replikas.
Most of them: STAR; STCR; KLBR; FKLR and ADLR — are high-ranked Protektors & Admin units. Only 2 of them (KLBR & FKLR) have bioresonance modules to control the mental stability of all replikas & gestalts (human) units.
3. All replicas, except EULR, have a white armored insert on the knuckles.
4. The National Ministry for Work and Education (Arbeits- und Erziehungsorgan der Nation, abbreviated as AEON) is the organization that operates Facility S-23 Sierpinski on the planet Leng.
5. This article doesn’t include “Replika Known Issues” info (persona). Only general info.

Anyway, let’s actually begin our journey! And we will start from…

AEON Security Force | Protektors

Protektor unit squad size: ~6 (4 STARs, 1 STCR, 1 KLBR). True size — unknown.

STAR, KLBR and STCR - Protektor units

STAR (Starling)

STAR (Sicherheitstechniker-Aufseher-Replika, Security Technician Guard Replika ‘Starling’) or Star, are Generation 4 Low-Cost Combat Replikas.

These units are Protektor Security Technician Guards and are commonly used for anti-riot missions in cities/facilities of the Eusan Nation.

Portraits of STAR Unit

Height: 220cm (7'3")
Garrison hat (3 Eusan’s Volksmarine stars with red piping).
- 3 crossed Triangles on the right shoulder.
- S-23 Sierpinski Logo on Riot ballistic shield.
- Black bullet-resistant armored chestplates (reinforced with top red straps) with shoulder pads and neck protection. The front chestplate has a unique pattern design (=O=).
- Steel protective facemask.
Equipped with: Stun-baton. Riot ballistic shield & 12mm Revolver used by high-ranked officers only.
Ranking: STARs have officers ranks: low & high (rank names not specified). STARs have a strong internal hierarchy.
Organization/Role: Small CQB Anti-riot squad led by high-ranked officers and Storch & KLBR coordination/support units.

STAR unit per squad: ~2–4 units.
STAR unit group size per facility: 14 units. (6 in North and 8 in South STAR Dorms)

Interesting details: this replika poster has the S-23 Sierpinski Logo on the right shoulder and shield, while the S-23 logo exists only on the shield in the game. + There’s a front plate pattern, that doesn’t match the current model

STCR (Storch)

STCR (Sicherheitstechniker-Controller-Replika, Security Technician Controller Replika ‘Stork’) or Storch, are Generation 5 Combat Lead Replikas.

These units are deployed as overwatch and coordination of STARs during riots and other missions.

Portrait of STCR Unit. The pattern on the right shoulder don’t exist on ingame models.

Height: 240cm (7'10")
3 crossed Triangles on the left shoulder.
Armor: White bullet-resistant armored chestplates (reinforced with top & mid-red straps) with neck protection. No shoulder pads.
Equipped with: EIN-12 flechette Shotgun & Stun-baton + Battle belt for extra equipment.
Ranking: not specified
Organization/Role: STARs squad coordinator (similar to Squad/Group leader) & support unit.

STCR group size per squad: 1–2 units.
STCR unit group size per facility: 8 (main STCR dorm is on the 8th floor. The 6th-floor dorm is rapid reaction post because of Eule dorm and mail post).

STCR Poster. Note the STAR officer in the background & S-23 Logo on the shoulder and shield.

KLBR (Kolibri)

KLBR (Kommando-Leiteinheit Bioresonanztechnik-Replika), (Commando Control Unit Bioresonance Technology Replika ‘Hummingbird’) or Kolibri, are Generation 6 High-Tech Bioresonance Specialist Replikas.

These Units are used as Commando Control Units, using their Bio-resonance to increase squad cohesion as well as improve the mental stability of all units in a squad (Bioresonance Influencer). Their role is described as being an ‘Elite Protektor’.

Portrait of KLBR Unit. Only the right shoulder is colored red.

Height: 152cm (5')
- 3 crossed triangles on the right shoulder.
- Letter “K” on the right side & red cube crossed by a white line on the left side of the armor backplate.
- 3 “Bioresonance” stars on the forehead.
- Red painted index fingers on both arms.
Armor: White bullet-resistant armored chestplates with shoulder pads and neck protection. Right shoulder pad colored in red. The front chestplate has a unique pattern design (=0=).
Equipped with: depends on role/rank:
- Blockwart: 8x22mm Type-84 ‘Drache’ Submachine gun + Battle belt with radio, tape recorder, and unknown device.
- Protektor (Cadre/Staff): 10mm Type-75 ‘Protektor’ Pistol.
Ranking: check below.
Organization/Role: Control and coordination in Protektor squad (Elite Protektor); FKLR Cadre; Rot-Front Blockwart.

AEON Blockwart Poster from Sector-C, Rot-Front. You can see Blockwart belt kit.

Every Protektor Führungskommando’s Falke unit is aided by a cadre of KLBR unit adjutants, which can amplify her bioresonant signals, as well as produce their own.

Able to directly influence the minds of Replikas and Gestalts, extract information non-verbally, and communicate among themselves instantly in the full bandwidth of the senses, Kolibri’s Bioresonance is the closest recreation of a true “hive mind”.

KLBR unit group size per squad: 1 unit.
KLBR unit group size per facility: ~4–6 units.

Administration (Führungskommando)

There are only 2 units.

ADLR (Adler)

ADLR (Administration-, Datenverarbeitung-, Logistik-Replika), (Administration, Data Processing, Logistics Replika ‘Eagle’) or Adler, are Generation 5 High Command Specialist Replikas.

Adlers are Protektor Führungskommando Administrator units.

Adler units are in charge of managing and overseeing all administrative tasks for the entire facility. They have the responsibility of allowing Operational Command units such as Falke to focus on direct control of Protektor units. Adler units are designed to work as a direct counterpart to Falke unit, serving as her adjutant by taking care of necessary paperwork and calculations.

Portrait of ADLR Unit.

Height: 175cm (5'9")

- 3 crossed triangles & 2 squares on the right shoulder.
- Small S-23 Logo on the top right side of the front chestplate and a crossed rectangle.
Armor: White bullet-resistant armored chestplates w/ S-23 Logo.
Equipped with: Unknown. The unit uses BW-5 Nitro Express Rifle during the Zyklus.
Ranking: AEON Facility Administration.
Organization/Role: Control and coordination of all units stationed in facility & FKLR Assistant.

Adler unit group size per facility: 1–2 units.

The up-close look of the ADLR Unit. Elevator cutscene.

FKLR (Falke)

FKLR (Führungskommando-Leiteinheit-Replika), (Operational Command Control Unit Replika ‘Falcon’) or Falke, are Generation 6 High-Tech Bioresonance Command Replikas. These Replikas are used in every AEON facility across the Eusan Nation as the commander of the Protektor security forces of these facilities.

The Protektor Führungskommando’s Commander, the head of each AEON facility’s Protektor force, is a powerful prototype bioresonant Falke unit. An authority that may never be questioned, a Falke unit serves not just as a commander to the Protektors, but as a nearly god-like being, a perception that is underlined by her tall build and resemblance to our Nation’s Leaders, the Great Revolutionary, and her Daughter. It is also aided by her powerful prototype Bioresonance Module, which not only allows her to bend the will of weaker minds and fathom their intentions and emotions but also grants her the ability to manipulate objects from a distance.

Portrait of FKLR Unit.

Height: 250cm (8'2")
Laurel wreath on the left side of head.

- 3 “Bioresonance” stars on the forehead. (2 covered by hair).
- S-23 Logo on left shoulder.
- 12 Golden Triangles on the left side of the front chestplate.
- 29 Red-pink-like triangles on the torso.
- 3 rounded golden HALOs behind the nape.
Armor: Black bullet-resistant armored chestplates w/ golden triangles.
Equipped with: Golden Spears & Sword.
AEON Security Force (Protektor) Commander.
Organization/Role: Führungskommando’s Commander. Superweapon (Wunderwaffe) of Eusan Nation in the war against the Eusan Empire.

FLKR unit group size per facility: 1 unit.

The End of Article.

Thank you for visiting this page and huge thanks to the SIGNALIS Wiki, Signaliscord, and Signalis VK for extra info & help in making this text possible.

Until we’ll meet again! :D

