how to measure ac current using multimeter,

Brenda Rose
3 min readMar 29, 2023


to measure ac current using multimeter, follow these steps:

Ensure that your multimeter has a setting for measuring AC current (usually indicated by a symbol of a sine wave).

Turn off the power source that you want to measure the current from.

Set the multimeter to the appropriate range for the current you expect to measure.

Open the circuit and connect the multimeter in series with the load.

Turn on the power source and read the current value on the multimeter.

Note: When measuring AC current, it is important to ensure that you connect the multimeter correctly and safely, and that you use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) as required. The symbol on a multimeter that indicates AC current measurement is typically a sine wave (squiggly line) symbol, usually labeled with the letters “AC” next to it. The symbol may also be colored red to indicate that it is used for measuring AC voltage and current. It is important to select the correct setting on the multimeter when measuring AC current to ensure accurate readings and prevent damage to the device. It is important to turn off the power source before measuring current to avoid the risk of electric shock and damage to the multimeter. If the circuit is live, measuring the current may cause the multimeter to become damaged or create a short circuit, which could be dangerous. Additionally, measuring current in a live circuit can be risky and should only be attempted by experienced professionals who are familiar with electrical safety procedures. Therefore, it is recommended to always turn off the power source and verify that the circuit is de-energized before performing any electrical measurements. To determine the appropriate range for measuring AC current on a multimeter, you should first estimate the expected range of the current that you want to measure. The multimeter should be set to a range that is capable of measuring the expected current without damaging the device.

To select the appropriate range, follow these steps:

Locate the AC current measurement setting on the multimeter. This is typically indicated by a symbol of a sine wave (squiggly line).

Turn the dial or press the button to select the AC current measurement mode.

Select the highest range first and then gradually reduce the range until the current can be measured accurately.

Read the maximum current rating of the multimeter on the device itself or in the user manual.

Ensure that the current you are measuring is within the maximum rating of the selected range.

If the current being measured is too high for the selected range, the multimeter may become damaged or inaccurate readings may be obtained. In such cases, select a higher range or use a current clamp or other device that can measure higher currents.

What is the difference between measuring AC current and DC current with a multimeter?

The main difference between measuring AC current and DC current with a multimeter is in the method of measurement and the type of current being measured.

AC current (alternating current) is the type of current that changes direction periodically, often in a sinusoidal pattern. AC current is commonly used to power household appliances, lighting, and other electrical devices.

DC current (direct current) is the type of current that flows in a single direction continuously. DC current is commonly used in batteries, electronic circuits, and other low-voltage applications.

When measuring AC current, a multimeter uses a method called “true RMS” (root mean square) measurement, which takes into account the variable nature of the AC waveform to provide an accurate reading of the current’s magnitude.

When measuring DC current, the multimeter uses a simple series connection to measure the current flowing through the circuit. The multimeter has a small internal resistance and measures the voltage drop across this resistance to calculate the current flow.

In summary, the main difference between measuring AC and DC current with a multimeter is in the method of measurement and the type of current being measured. The multimeter uses a true RMS measurement method for AC current, while it uses a simple series connection to measure DC current.



Brenda Rose

Brenda Rose is an engineer and enthusiast to share innovative things