What are the main ingredients in KFC’s seasoning mix?

Brenda Rose
2 min readSep 8, 2023


KFC’s seasoning mix is a closely guarded secret, and the exact list of ingredients has never been publicly disclosed.

However, kfc 11 spices are based on general knowledge and the flavors associated with KFC’s fried chicken.

We can make some educated guesses about the main types of ingredients that might be included in their seasoning mix:


Salt is a fundamental ingredient in seasoning. It enhances the flavor of the chicken and helps with moisture retention.


Various dried herbs are likely part of the seasoning mix. These could include thyme, oregano, and sage, among others. These herbs contribute to the overall savory and herby flavor profile.


A combination of spices is likely used, which could include black pepper, white pepper, paprika, and possibly a hint of cayenne pepper. These spices might provide a subtle heat and depth of flavor.

Garlic and Onion:

Garlic and onion powder could be included in the mix to add complexity and depth to the flavor.

Umami Ingredients:

KFC’s seasoning might incorporate ingredients with natural umami properties to enhance the savory aspect of the chicken.

MSG (Monosodium Glutamate):

Some speculate that KFC’s seasoning blend contains MSG, a flavor enhancer that can intensify the taste of the chicken.


Aromatic ingredients, such as dried celery or parsley, could be included to round out the flavor profile and provide a pleasant aroma.

It’s important to note that while these educated guesses are based on the flavors commonly associated with KFC’s fried chicken, the exact recipe remains a well-protected trade secret.

KFC’s 11 secret herbs and spices, along with their precise proportions, are known only to a select few individuals within the company, and it’s one of the key factors that make KFC’s fried chicken so unique and iconic.



Brenda Rose

Brenda Rose is an engineer and enthusiast to share innovative things