Amazing Human Series; Katie Miller

The Amazing Human Series
2 min readApr 3, 2017


Katie is AMAZING Human #10

Well, we’ve hit our first milestone.

I have had a list written for awhile but I’ve moved some people around or felt inspired by someone else at the time so I wrote about them instead and just shifted the list but for this entire time I knew exactly who should sit at the #10 spot. It’s a milestone moment so I knew it had to be someone uber special.

If you know Katie Miller, which many who read this series do, you know she is the perfect person to be #10.

If there is a sweeter soul on the planet then Katie, I am yet to find them.

As the program coordinator at Liberty Family Outreach, Katie tirelessly works hard every week to feed the less fortunate and in rain or shine she’s out there inspiring the volunteers and being her quirky, adorable, loving self!

She is always spending her days helping others, making sure those who are needy have what they need and living her life loving everyone who crosses her path.

Katie has always been someone I know would be there for me, no matter what. She’s like the Mom/ Aunt / Sister of snap who is always there for you, regardless of the topic… She’s a sweetheart, through and through.

Katie’s strength is something I admire, we should all strive to be even 1/1oth as strong as Katie Miller. Her equally amazing Husband Tom is in the Army and when he’s deployed is when you truly understand how strong Katie is. She manages the family, the household and still manages to be her positive, loving, amazing self through it all. It’s the most impressive and the most raw you’ll see someone and Katie shares that with us on snapchat and facebook.

Katie loves snapchat and she is amazing at telling stories, as well as making you feel like you need to do more in your community, so make sure you follow her HERE.

I love this lady, she’s amazingly amazing.

The last thing we should talk about is how Katie inspires others, she’s a ballet teacher, a momma, a wife, and a great friend. She may seem normal and she may think she’s not overly special but there aren’t many people like Katie on this planet.

She’s one of a kind and I am so glad I have her in my life. Make sure you get to know her!

Thank You Katie for being AMAZING!!!!

Until next week,




The Amazing Human Series

Social Media. Mental Health. Amazing Humans. Read Their Stories Here on Medium. Listen to the Podcast!