Role of Big Data in Improving Results of Telecom Companies

Breeze Telecom
3 min readJan 10, 2017

A telecom organization connects people and things with each other and provides a mean of communication over a distance. Telecom organizations have a complete knowledge about their customers like where they were, when they connected frequently, what are their daily usage pattern, and much more. This is due to the rising amount of records of call details, location data, social media data, and network traffic data. Due to a rapid increment in smartphones and tablets, there is a massive growth in data over mobile networks.

How Big Data will improve results of telecom companies?

  • Customer satisfaction: The telecom companies are collecting large amount of data because of which they could easily generate a 360-degrees view of their customers by using their own data, namely — call data, geo data, and internet usage data and public data from social networks. The 360-degrees view would help the companies to create highly customized experiences and the companies would be able to offer better services with a set target. The marketing campaigns focusing on masses can target the customer at the right location and at the right moment with the right message. This shows that the big data renders a great help to the telecom companies by reducing cost and increasing market share through proper execution of sales promotion and customers’ response. The new personalized products or services can be offered to customers, which will reduce costs for the customers and increase their satisfaction.
  • Smarter Networks: The introduction of smarter networks like 4G worldwide has led to an increasing network traffic all around. If the companies understand how, when and where customers are using the networks then a better network could be built that would automatically adapt to the high demands. Algorithms could also be used to monitor network traffic data that would ultimately improve the quality of services.Use of sensors in the network can monitor the equipment and notify if any maintenance is necessary. The use of big data tools could also be considered for identifying the problems easily and quickly fixing network performance issues for an improved-quality network.
  • Reduction of risks: Understanding the latent needs of the customers can help in decreasing the churn rates. If the companies come to know about the influencers using large social networks, then a big amount of important information could be in hand of the telcos. Big Data tools are an effective way to deal with frauds. If a person calls from the same number from two different locations, then the fraud of cloned Sim cards could be detected and preventive measures could be taken against it.
  • Benefits to third party and local governments: Big Data helps not only the telecom companies but also the third parties like insurance and financial services providers. The vast amount of data of telecom companies’ customers can be used by these companies for prospective sales. Similarly, the Big Data can be very helpful to local governing authorities too.

Breeze Telecom is an IT service agency that represents almost 200 suppliers all around the globe. We make the services of sourcing, purchasing, and implementing new IT infrastructure services easier for the business companies.

Telecom companies can benefit from the big data in several ways. All they need to do is to explore all the possibilities of big data. Not only the telecom companies, the Big Data serves a fruitful purpose for third parties and local governments too.



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