Brenda D Wilkerson
1 min readJun 22, 2016


You should have spent your time doing something less damaging like hitting an old lady with your car or setting fire to an empty building. While both are vile acts, they don’t measure up to the level of dismissive disrespect you thought to drivel, complete with your photographs depicting what you would likely call “uppity niggas” in not only discounting the realities of white privilege for an entire race of people, ignoring the impact of historic and institutional racism on a nation and ALL of its citizens, but also thinking to list ad nauseum, a depiction of a people who whine about a fictitious problem. How whiney and entitled of you!

I won’t waste time discussing a reality with you that you obviously have chosen to ignore. Just realize that sentiment like yours doesn’t address or fix a problem. It only exacerbates a growing fault line in this country.

