How to Create a Fun and Profitable One-Man Business

5 foundations to get you started

There are many important aspects to building a business… especially when you’re trying to build a one-man or one-woman business.

How do you know what the best use of your time is? And where your efforts will pay off the most.

After all, you are the business. If things don’t go well, there’s no one to blame but you.

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I get it. It’s not easy. I will never tell you that building your business is easy. Nor should it be. The harder something is to build, the more valuable it becomes. Or put a different way — if you want to build something great, it is going to take a great amount of work to build it!

But let me tell you it’s worth it!

You’re not just trying to build a business. You’re trying to build a great business right?

Think about it.

If building a great business (of any kind) was easy, there would be a ton of great businesses out there. But how many great businesses have you heard of? A few probably but not a lot.

I’m talking about the kind of business that can truly change your family’s life. The kind of business that can provide you with life changing, generational wealth.



Brett Anderson - I do writing and business stuff

I write about solutions to people problems, business, and famous people problems. Writing about famous people problems makes me feel better about my own life.