Brett McQueen
1 min readOct 13, 2016


This was very timely for me. Love your book Scaling Lean.

I’m stuck in the “Observe & Orient” stage. Maybe others have had this question too.

When it comes to the macro-level Acquisition metric, how early do you decide to identify a prospect as a user?

Reason I ask: We have an e-learning subscription product without a trial but we promote the product through offering free lesson previews through an email newsletter. I noticed in your book you recommend setting the Acquisition event as when you get an email address but in our case “technically” we acquire a user when they make a subscription purchase. Trying to figure out which one would be more important to focus on for the purposes of evaluating the health of our Customer Factory.



Brett McQueen

Founder of @UkuleleTricks. Author of Ukulele Exercises For Dummies.