Brett Warren
1 min readAug 15, 2016


Hey Scott. Thanks for your comment! I get your point. There are definitely parts of software that require training, you’ve pointed out a few.

Through my research, I’ve come across plenty of people who were supposed to get training but didn’t or they got a 20 minute run through from a colleague.

There are also training difficulties in rural hospitals like when a locum doctor flies in for a two week stay. She may have been trained 6 months ago but hasn’t used the software since then and is pretty much starting fresh.

I’m exaggerating the “assume people won’t get training” point to help designers and developers focus on making it as intuitive as possible. Otherwise it’s too easy to bang something together and say “people just need more training”.

When designing software there are 2 roads you can take: The designers do the hard work to make it intuitive or the users do the hard work to figure it out.

