Just a regular photo of me at my desk 😆

Team Work Makes My Dream Work

Every now and then, something happens in your life that gives you a chance to pause. To reflect on the journey.

3 min readJun 15, 2018


For me, it was this month — as I held a copy of Black Enterprise in my hands, with my face on the cover.

Back in May, they asked me to come to NYC for the cover shoot. I’ve done a ton of these before, so this time felt like no big deal — until I got to their offices on Madison Avenue in New York. I felt the weight of the moment, and went from “seasoned photo shoot guy” to stiff and nervous — instantly.

Thankfully they played some Cardi B! It loosened me up to take the shots that would eventually make the cover.

Fast forward a few weeks…

I attended June’s Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Summit in Charlotte, where I was asked to speak on a panel about cryptocurrency and the future of funding. As I opened the gift bag — there it was — in the physical form. Wow.

It was awesome to see myself on the cover of a publication that has represented Black excellence for decades — a dynamic publication that is respected by my peers, as wells as my grandparents.

Yet, as amazingly proud and accomplished as I felt — I couldn’t help lamenting the absence of my team from the cover.

It was missing Neil, one of our lead engineers wasn’t there. He has been with us from nearly the start. Or Rajnesah, another one of our engineering leads who is a role model for young women in STEM. If my own daughter grew up to be like Rajnesah, I’d be blessed.

Rajnesah Belyeu — Lead Engineer at Kairos

And Cole, our CTO, who was my boss, in a past life, and graciously took the job at Kairos years ago. We would not be here without him. Also Ben, a world class talent from London, who many years ago after a long night of drinking and comparing the US and UK — I talked into to showing me some of his work. It was so amazing, that I eventually convinced him to join as our Chief Design Officer!

There are too many stories to mention here, but it would be very remiss of me not to thank my team for being so good, so selfless, and so gracious with their talents — which have enabled the world to see Kairos for the amazing company that it is.

Often times, as on the cover of Black Enterprise, I singularly represent the work and vision of my entire team. Yet, I never lose sight of where it all starts and ends — with my extended family. My Kairos Family.

Thank you Alessandra, Ben, Cole, Feras, Jackson, Jithen, Josue, Kasim, Lucas, Marcela, Mary, Max, Melissa, Neil, Otavio, Raja, Rajnesah, Stephen, Sirini, Tom, Vanessa, Vasi, Vijay, and Yoann…


Kairos’ mission is to make it easy for any business to benefit from face analysis, enriching the experience between humans and machines, and being the premier partner for anything to do with facial recognition.



The Inclusive Entrepreneurship Communication. Part Social, Part Emotional, ALL Business💰 Curated by The Fine Folks @ Lightship Capital🌊