Diary ENTRY for Day 104: Sounds of Silence

Brian Gerard
1 min readAug 2, 2018



Dear Diary:

Sweet Jesus, it’s quiet out here…

I mean, quiet from the sounds of humans.

I am very aware of the sound of the refrigerator… and the wind… and bugs smacking into my super clean windows. Of course, they aren’t clean anymore because said bugs leave squishy marks on said windows.

Most days, with Karie out, I don’t speak to anyone to very late in the afternoon.

The dog doesn’t help me since she is deaf.

It’s okay. I resort to using different voices. I love the guy who makes my lunch sandwiches.

The hot chcick/drag queen (Maple St. Lee) really gets dancing to the music booming from the outdoor speakers.

I tried to talk to the hummingbirds the other day but they are very flighty.

Until next time,


Originally published at Blue Dog Farm.

