A Metaphysics of Self Criticism

Brian Nuckols
9 min readMar 14, 2019

Self criticism is a major challenge for many writers, artists, and creators.

In this article, we’ll test the radical notion that this character trait is not something to fix, get rid of, or heal.

Ultimately, the trait is an internal self critic that is full of latent potential.

Instead of fixing or healing this figure we can invite and guide them through a process of transformation from rude bully to adaptive ally.

I first became aware of the visceral and transpersonal nature of internal personality structures one evening while working on poem.

A voice in my head appears from nowhere and says something like: “That line was eager and corny. I’m being self indulgent and cringe worthy.”

This type of self talk has been with me for awhile but perhaps because I particularly like this poem something snapped in me.


My voice first reverberated before dissolving into the void of silence that descends over my basement when I’m deep into a writing project.

Now, as someone who values politeness it’s not a common for me to express anger to that extent especially while alone writing in my basement.

It felt magnificent on one hand, but strange on the other as some kind of split occurred between the “I” that screamed and the “I” that originally said “I’m being self indulgent…

