The $300 Smear Campaign Plan

Brian Johnson
9 min readFeb 29, 2024


Ever since I entered this community, I’ve always chosen to focus on the subject of UFOs & Disclosure.

I’ve stayed far away from all the interpersonal drama that occurs on here.

People have treated me very well, and unlike many people here, I’ve been fortunate not to have any real issues with anybody.

In October 2023, I was informed that someone had opened up a new account that was both spoofing & impersonating me.

This account used both my profile & background picture and also chose a name with the same first 10 letters & digits, so that when people would type in my name in the search box to read posts, this impersonation account that looked just like mine would pop up.

My account is @Brianjo78940026:

The spoofing, impersonating account is @Brianjo78906969:

It was probably an attempt to attract followers that use the search box and grow the account, but it failed miserably, because after 4 months, they had only attracted their twitter buddies for a measly total of about 40 followers.

It was no big deal and wasn’t something to which I paid any attention.

But things would change, and change radically this week.

On Sunday, February 22nd, I received a message about the existence of this account and a picture documenting 49 followers.

Over the next 3 days, the follower count ballooned to 2678 and it was obvious that all the added followers were paid — one look at the follower list made it very clear these were not members of the UFO Community.

In total, this account appears to have paid for 2500 of its followers for a price of $300.

Wait a second, what?

Paid followers!?!

What the fuck is going on here???

This isn’t your typical impersonation account.

Something is up!

$300 is a lot of money to spend on an account with 10 posts unless you were planning something big.

So I decided to tweet about what was going on for two reasons:

To let the owners of the spoofing, impersonating account know I was aware of their $300 purchase of followers.

And to let the community know what was happening so that everybody was aware of this account.

What happened next was a pleasant surprise.

People in the community reached out to me and started providing intel on the account.

Some of the messages I received were from people on the periphery, those who spent time in Spaces with the perpetrators.

And a few of the people who reached out to me have spent a great deal of time in the company of the perpetrators — this was the biggest shock.

They didn’t feel comfortable discussing anything with me unless I took an oath of confidentiality and I said, “Of course, I would never name any of the people who are giving me information about the perpetrators behind this account. I don’t need to take an oath to do that but yes, I will never say anything publicly.”

Now I’m going to do my best to use as much restraint here as possible, as I’ve been given a lot more information than I ever imagined.

What’s been described to me was very alarming.

There is a group of people in our community who will bully, harass, insult & threaten anybody who they deem unlikeable, anybody who doesn’t go along with their Disclosure narrative & anybody who doesn’t react well to being bullied.

Some people in this group confided in me that they felt trapped, that they were afraid to leave the group because they get bullied more when they started to move away — this is an online community, so there’s a serious problem when it starts sounding like an abusive cult.

I’ve heard far more disturbing things that have occurred inside this group, but as badly as I feel about what’s happened to certain people, I’m going to exercise some serious restraint here and encourage those people who feel abused to band together in a group and go public, just like we want our UAP Whistleblowers to do.

There is power in numbers and silence is complicity.

The entire UFO Community will support you, it’s time for a change.

The next order of business was to gain an understanding of the motivation behind spending $300 to add 2500 followers to an account that was clearly set up to defame my character.

I have my own thoughts, but since I don’t communicate with anybody in this group — I have them all blocked — I’ll defer to the information provided by my sources.

“They don’t like you, they think you’re arrogant. You don’t go along with the Disclosure narrative, you spend too much time talking about the Disclosure process and how it’s an operation.”

“You are a very intelligent guy, you are really captivating, you have a lot of power in the community, a really strong voice, and they don’t have those qualities. So I think some of them are jealous of you.”

“When you hold a Space, that takes away people from their Spaces, and they don’t like that.”

“You can be confusing, you act like you are an insider or have inside information and you really do know your shit, it’s really scary sometimes, it’s like okay, he’s an insider, but then other times you come across like the rest of us. So some think you are really connected and others think you are a LARPer.”

There were other comments but that’s pretty much the gist of it.

Okay, so this group of people doesn’t like me for a variety of reasons, but what’s the deal with spending $300 on followers this week?!?!

There’s plenty of people I don’t like in the community, but I block them, choose not to interact or ignore them — I would never in a million years open up a spoofing account to impersonate and smear them. And never in a billion years would I spend $300 to buy followers to create the mirage that there’s a ton of Anti-Brian Johnson sentiment on X/Twitter.

Based on the lack of traction in that account since October, the only significant anti-Brian Johnson sentiment in the UFO Community is in this group.

And what’s really striking is that after 4 months of operation, the posts about me still have no likes.

That’s really strange, too.

And that’s because the perpetrators behind this account are hiding from me, like rats in a basement when the cat walks down the stairs.

They are exactly what they call everybody else.

It’s classic projection.

They are bullies and cowards and they know my followers would destroy them if they crawled out from under their little anonymous rock.

The entire community would destroy them because what they are doing is so fucked up that anybody with a morsel of integrity would call them out publicly and excommunicate them from the community — they simply don’t deserve to be here any longer.

The fact that they thought it was a good idea to start a spoofing & impersonation account to gain more followers is bad enough, but that happens to other people.

It’s the spending $300 to add 2500 followers that’s really disgusting and beyond shameful — I’ve never attacked these people, they are all blocked — what kind of fucked up mentality does one have to possess to even consider doing that?

It’s amoral & sociopathic.

It’s sadistic.

They’d fit in nicely with the criminal Secretkeepers.

These people are not right mentally, they are really emotionally challenged, and that’s putting it nicely.

And they need to be kicked out of the community once and for all.

There should be no safe harbor for animals like this.

Enough is enough.

It would be the height of hypocrisy for the UFO Community to get angry at the anonymous Guerilla Skeptics, who are hiding like basement rats, slandering & defaming Ross Coulthart & Lue Elizondo, and not express the same outrage at anonymous UFO Community members paying $300 to set up an account to slander and defame me, as several sources have informed me is their plan — it’s the same issue of extremely low character people with zero empathy and absolute disregard for their victims.

I’ve collected quite a bit of intel on the perpetrators from sources, but I see no point at this time in sharing any specifics as I really don’t think it’s necessary.

So I’m just going to name the 3 perpetrators behind the spoofed, impersonation account that spent $300 to buy 2500 followers during the past 3 days to smear me.




Some of the biggest names in the community have some sort of affiliation with 2 of these 3 people — you know who you are.

And many in the UFO Community know, too.

Again, using restraint, because my aim is not to cause too much collateral damage here, these Community Leaders need to step up and show leadership here by publicly calling attention to the absolutely disgraceful action of anybody in our community paying money to enact a smear campaign against a fellow member.

In fact, everybody should take a brief moment out of their day to let the owners of this disgraceful account know how you feel about their behavior.

Let them have it, they more than deserve it.

And be relentless about it.

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Now switching gears and getting a little bit personal, which really isn’t my thing, so I’ll grind through this part as best as I can.

In 2022, my life was threatened, up close & personal.

Gun to the back of my head, I thought it was over.

That changed everything for me and I realized I had to be extra careful, including about what I say, that I was being heavily monitored.

You’ve heard stories about Lue, David & Jay being threatened & harassed — it’s worse than you think.

So I feel much safer when I generate a good amount of plausible deniability, that’s my comfort zone for public discourse.

There are different ways of doing that and I utilize several strategies so that I feel safe — I hope you understand.

2022 was a really bad year, it was one thing after another.

I was also diagnosed with a pretty aggressive brain tumor.

And of course, like many others, I want to see Disclosure desperately before I die, I think it’s going to create a much better world down the line for the youth of tomorrow.

So I have a much more aggressive stance than the current Disclosure process allows and I’m not a fan of how sluggish things are moving — it’s just not necessary, and of course, I do wonder if things might have turned out differently with the UAPDA had more Whistleblowers gone public beforehand.

Anyhow, I’ve done my best to drop as much bread as I safely could over the past 2 years in my tweets.

I know some have picked up on it.

There’s someone in our community who was able to separate the wheat from the chaff pretty early on in my tweets, and I was really impressed, because I thought I was disguised well enough to slide right in without being detected.

I like Richard Butt.

I find him to be honest, trustworthy and a man of high character.

I also consider him a colleague.


