Hey Brian, I want to bridge 1 eth to Arbitrum

#buildinpublic — EP 01: Brian, three months after ETHPrague

3 min readSep 22, 2023


Reading time: 5 minutes

In the first Brian #buildinpublic episode our team wants to go over all the incredible things that happened during the last three months. Everything started at the ETHPrague Hackathon in June and from that moment we have been working non-stop on the product features and GTM strategies. The next phase is the Brian Beta that we are launching in November 2023.

🤖 What is Brian?

Brian is the first ever non-custodial AI assistant for performing transactions by prompting. Users can prompt their intentions, and Brian will build the corresponding transaction:

  • I want to bridge 1 eth to usdc
  • I want to transfer 10 usd to 0xabc.
  • I want to swap 10 usdc to eth from Polygon to Ethereum

Brian leverages LLMs and other AI techniques (like few-shot learning) for the user intent extraction, then builds the transaction, and the user has to confirm and execute it.

Here is a live demo of a swap on Gnosis (…with a great UX trick!)

What happens if you want to swap tokens on Gnosis, but you’re on Arbitrum?

When users do not have complete knowledge of the involved protocols, Brian also provides research by prompting on a custom-built knowledge base of updated web3 resources, for example:

  • Explain the uniswap v3 protocol as I am 5 years old
  • What is The Graph?
  • What are the differences between Swarm and Ipfs?
  • How does the Gnosis Chain work?
  • What is the erc721vote?

In comparison with ChatGPT, Brian has not only updated web3 resources but also can give users the exact resources it has used for the answer generation. It means after asking “What is the erc721vote?” it gives users a short answer and the resource (https://docs.openzeppelin.com/contracts/4.x/api/governance).

This research service can be used also as a Discord/Telegram bot or as a personal assistant to hackers during Hackathon. For the ETHRome hackathon, there is a special “ETHRome 2023 Knowledge Base” that the users can leverage to ask for info about schedule, location, or bounties.

The combination of the two features (transaction and research by prompting) can help a lot of new and experienced builders in their daily interaction and comprehension of the web3 world.

🏆 ETHPrague and AugmentHack Hackathon

Brian is receiving great attention from both AI and web3 famous projects. At the ETHPrague Hackathon, the project won 5 first prizes:

  • Building on Gnosis Chain
  • Best GHO Hack (AAVE)
  • Deploy on Taiko
  • Best use of Existing Subgraphs (The Graph)
  • Top project (Gateway.fm)

During ETHCC week, Brian’s team participated in the AugmentHack hackathon (a competition more focused on AI) and won three other prizes:

  • Recognition Prize (AugmentHack)
  • Best use of Bacalhau & Lilypad Network
  • 1 Prize for the best use of Hugging Face

Moreover, recently it has been granted a $10k bounty from the Swarm Foundation and the team has applied for other several grants from blockchains and protocols.

🌐 Open Alpha

The Open Alpha was launched in June and it allows users to test some specific operations on the Goerli testnet. For the research feature, anyone can ask Brian questions on a limited list of web3 topics.

The supported actions on Goerli include:

  1. Balance of (native coin/ERC20)
  2. Total supply of (ERC20)
  3. Token transfers (native coin/ERC20)
  4. Swapping assets

The LLM model we’re using has been meticulously fine-tuned to allow each action to be expressed in multiple ways, offering users flexibility and ease of interaction.

Right now each action can be expressed in 80+ different ways such as “Can you swap 10 USDC for ETH” or “Can you exchange 10 USDC for ETH?” or “Can you buy 10 USDC of ETH?” for the swap operation.

🔥 Beta Release

The Beta version will be released in early November 2023 (date TBD) and will support the most important EVM mainnets including Ethereum, Polygon, Gnosis, Optimism, and Arbitrum. In addition, the SDK for integrating Brian into other protocols will be launched during this phase.

More info about the Beta launch will come in the next weeks!

ℹ️ Stay tuned

This is just the first Brian #buildinpublic article. We want to share with users, builders, and researchers all our journey and the daily challenges that we are facing both on web3 and AI.

👉🏻 Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrianknowsAI

👉🏻 Try the Brian Open Alpha: https://www.brianknows.org/

