LSTN Partners with Delta Air Lines to take Social Enterprise Global

Bridget Hilton
2 min readApr 26, 2017


“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”

Our lives are defined by experiences. Looking at my possessions, nothing is as important as what my heavily stamped, tattered passport represents. Travel expands our awareness and perception. It deepens bonds with people we love. It forces us to step outside our comfort zone and face our fears which ultimately changes who we are.

Over the years I’ve found myself in heart-racing experiences. I’ve stared down a lioness in Kenya, watched the Northern Lights dance in Iceland, swam with sharks in Tahiti, mushed Iditarod dogs on a glacier in Alaska and ate live octopus in Korea.

While these trips were incredible (or insane, depending on who you ask), they don’t come close to what changed my life over the past 4 years: helping over 25,000 people hear through my company, LSTN, and our non-profit partner, Starkey Hearing Foundation.

I’ve cried with families in Peru as they witnessed their daughter hear for the first time — something they never thought possible. I’ve had a dance-off to Thriller with a teenager in Sri Lanka who could suddenly reconnect with his peers and the world around him. I’ve been humbled by the impact of seeing a 110 year old man in China as he suddenly became full of personality after not having sound in his life for 50+ years.

None of this would be possible for my team without a company that flies to hundreds of locations across the globe. This is why today we are proud to announce that LSTN is the new in-flight headphone partner for one of the largest airlines in the world, Delta Air Lines.

Tens of thousands of people will use our products every day while on board to their destination. Best of all 100% of the proceeds from our partnership will benefit Starkey Hearing Foundation to help thousands of people worldwide hear for the first time.

We couldn’t be more excited or honored to be a small part of your next adventure. We are thankful for your support thus far in our journey. Keep climbing!

