Results Are In: Women And Employers Want Better Coverage For Prevention

Bright Pink
2 min readOct 18, 2016


Early detection is critical to surviving breast cancer — when detected early, the 5-year survival rate can be greater than 98%. In time for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we partnered with APCO Insight to survey women and benefit managers about what matters most to them when it comes to early detection.

Today, there are two types of mammograms available — 2D and 3D. Studies show that 3D mammograms can detect cancer 15 months earlier than 2D mammograms, reduce incidents of false-positive results, and could save up to $550 million in U.S. breast cancer spending.

Take a look at what our survey reveals:

With overwhelming support for a better mammogram, the reality is that most insurers do not cover 3D mammograms.

As so many companies turn pink this month, what can employers do to champion their female workforce’s access to a better mammogram?

Employers can and should do better. If you are an employer, sign on to the Americans for Breast Health Employer pledge and commit to holding insurers accountable for early detection!

For more resources on breast cancer prevention, visit our

The research, conducted by APCO Insight in September 2016, included 1,500 interviews of women aged 30–65 who work for large companies, and 51 employee benefits managers at large companies. The full survey can be found here.



Bright Pink

We’re on a mission to save women's lives from breast & ovarian cancer by empowering them to live proactively at a young age.