6 min readJan 5, 2020

Personal Brand of Amal Alamuddin Clooney: “Flawless”

Name: Amal Alamuddin Clooney

Job: Lawyer

Career duration: 18 years

Country: the UK, Lebanon

“I hate the idea of putting people in any kind of framework. There’s no reason why a lawyer can’t be funny or an actress can’t be serious.”


Amal Alamuddin Clooney is well-known human rights lawyers and is even more famous for being the wife of George Clooney. Being born in Lebanon, she and her family moved to the UK where she grew up and was educated. Amal Clooney is qualified to practice as a lawyer in the United States and the United Kingdom. She is the barrister at Doughty Street Chambers, specializing in International Law and human rights.

Unique expertise or values that differentiate Amal Alamuddin Clooney

To describe Amal in one word I would say she is “flawless”. Coming from the intelligent family, Amal received high quality education in the best Universities in the world — Oxford and New York University. Amal has always been a distinguished student and augmented her studies with several notable clerkships.

When it comes to professional life, she has perfect background. Working for International Criminal Court, International Court of Justice, being the assistant of Kofi Annan, dealing with the most complicated cases of human rights. Amal was involved in high-profile cases, such as Yulia Tymoshenko, Julian Assange or the King of Bahrein. Amal is well-known as human rights lawyer with strong commitment to conflict management, as she works on the recognition of Armenian genocide or was working on the case of Yugoslavia.

Speaking about Amal’s social life, she is also perfect. She has never been involved in any scandal, her work in the field of human rights shows her philanthropy. In 2017 Amal received the award for serving to the interests of women who suffered because of Islamic radicals. She sponsors education of students, has organized Amal Clooney scholarship to send one female student from Lebanon to the United World College Dilijan each year. Besides, Amal and George Clooney established the Clooney Foundation of Justice to assure justice in communities. Amal teaches in different Universities, including Columbia Law school, which is a very big contribution to the society and to young people as she shares her valuable experience.

Amal’s private life is perfect again. She has never been involved in any scandal, has the reputation of strong, independent, feminine and modest woman. The fact that Hollywood’s famous bachelor George Clooney married Amal makes her look even more special.

5 Personal Branding traits of Amal Alamuddin Clooney

1. Only good to say about her

It is really difficult to find something against Amal. She has never been involved in any scandal, her private life stayed private even after she married Clooney. There are no bad news in media about her, it is hard to find a person who can say anything negative about her. And the fact that there is nothing bad about her does not give the feeling that she still has something to hide: after we see all the philanthropic things she does it is obvious that she is a great person.

2. Hardworking lawyer

Amal was born in Lebanon in the conservative society, but raised in the UK, and with her example she says that everything is possible if a person works hard. She makes people to adore her by the fact that she managed to be good in all aspect of her life. Amal has achieved highest points in her professional life and is known as one the most successful lawyers. There are not so many famous female lawyers, and this makes her even more special. Amal inspires people, especially women, as she shows that women and men are equal and the background you come from is not the obstacle to success, but it depends on the way you use it. With her example Amal claims that a woman doesn’t need to lose her femininity to be equal with a man.

3. Passion to shoes and bags

There are two things in Amal’s outfit that she pays the biggest attention to: her shoes and bags. She is known as the woman who loves quirky shoes and pays a lot of attention to bags. Her each outfit has its perfectly matching bag, and famous brand Ballin even named one of its bags after Amal Alamuddin.

4. The woman able to find balance between family and job

Amal is very busy with her career, but she is also known as the great mom of twins and dedicated wife. The fact that Amal quitted smoking, which was her habit for many years, because George Clooney didn’t like it, shows how dedicated she is to her family as the wife and mother. She is so great that most of the people that are asked about the couple of George and Amal say that George is lucky to have Amal, but not the opposite way.

5. Elegant style

Amal’s style can be easily recognized and she has been chosen as Barbara Walter’s Most Fascinating Person of 2015, and in 2014 she was in the list of Best British Style. Amal’s fashion style is very elegant and partly reminds the style of Jacklin Kennedy. She prefers conservative, classical, but at the same time very feminine style. There are no pictures of her spotted in a T-shirt or jeans shorts: even during vacation she looks very elegant. From Amal’s style it is seen that she follows fashion trends, but she applies them to her outfits in her own way. Amal can wear bright colors to the court or to the University or put quirky shoes on with elegant and strict suit.

Social media presence — what people say about Amal Alamuddin Clooney

Amal doesn’t use social media and she is not present on any social media platform. However, she speaks on public, but only on work-related topics and never discusses her private life. During her interviews Amal mentions that her popularity and fame are the tools to attract attention to her work.

Probably, the only bad comments about Amal come from the fans of George Clooney who are jealous of him. What can people say bad about the woman who managed to be smart, beautiful, successful, modest and bring so much value to the society at the same time? Amal is the role model for many female of any age, but also she is the dream woman of many men. Which woman doesn’t want to be perfect in any aspect of her life or which man does not want to be with a flawless woman?

How Amal Alamuddin Clooney will be remembered

The modest, smart and beautiful woman, the one who has achieved incredible heights in her career as human-rights lawyer, the one who has done many steps towards conflict management in the world, the one who supported young generation and invested in their education, the one who made the most famous bachelor of Hollywood to fall in love with her and marry her, the one who was perfect in everything-this is how we will remember Amal Alamuddin. With her example Amal clearly sends the message of her definition of a woman which is described as successful, strong and feminine.

What we can learn

A Personal Brand of “flawless” is one of the strongest brands as it can serve as the role model to many people.

Clean reputation: it is necessary to be reliable in all aspect of the Personal Brand, especially if it is the type of “Flawless”

Private, social and professional life should be consistent and balanced.

Not having social media accounts is also the sort of Personal Branding. Let media speak instead of you, but the task is to build perfect reputation by great philanthropic actions.

With the type “Flawless” it is important to be modest and do not talk a lot about the values you bring to the society. Let the society tell how great you are.

Do you want to build your Personal Brand on Chinese Social Media? Check the website: www.aicy-create.com


Lorenzo Brizzo is the first reputation specialist based in China. Co-Founder of AICY Create, a modern-day digital performance agency based in China