Regular and Irregular Lines

2 min readMay 29, 2023


In the midst of an impending global crisis, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, like the world, encounters its own challenges. However, unlike relying on human wisdom, the church turns to divine guidance, recognizing that God’s thoughts and ways are higher than ours. Examining biblical examples, such as Uzzah’s misguided intervention, we learn the importance of adhering to God’s due order, even when our intentions are good.

Amidst the most significant period in Earth’s history, the Seventh-day Adventist Church grapples with a crisis related to the emergence of independent churches. These independent entities, established by disillusioned Adventists, hold differing beliefs and practices, which sometimes conflict with mainstream Adventist doctrine. This situation has sparked tensions, divisions, and concerns about unity and authority within the denomination.

Drawing parallels from the biblical account of Uzzah’s error in assuming his own wisdom could protect the Ark of the Covenant, the article highlights the importance of adhering to divine order and seeking God’s guidance in times of crisis. It emphasizes the need for believers to ground themselves in present truth, discerning false teachings amid the prevailing winds of doctrine.

By understanding the guidance provided by scripture and the Holy Spirit, Adventists can navigate the complexities of the current crisis with wisdom and discernment, striving to maintain both unity and the integrity of their faith.

It is essential for members to engage in deep searching of scripture deepening their understanding of one another’s perspectives. Through a commitment to seeking God’s guidance and a sincere pursuit of truth, the church can address this crisis while remaining true to its core values and mission. By doing so, it can emerge stronger, united, and better equipped to fulfill its purpose in these challenging times.

This is a special release. If you need a copy please write on the comment section and I will always reach out.


