The real stories behind my tattoos

Broken BPD Butterfly 🦋
5 min readJul 28, 2017


I am bored today and that usually points to me ending up writing a Medium article, So here we are. I wanted to share what each of my tattoos mean and why I got them, as well as share the significance of when I got them done. I’ll go through them in chronological order.


Artist: Nick Beaty Tattoos


Location: The Other Half Tattoos

Cost: $50

First is my little heartbeat tattoo. Some call it an EKG symbol, some say sinus rhythm. I got this tattoo for my 19th birthday present to myself in 2016. It was my first tattoo and I wanted it to be special. So what does it mean?

Well, I have three meanings in this little tattoo and they are:

  1. Life can change in a heartbeat.
  2. A reminder of my fascination with medicine. At the time this tattoo was meant to represent my goal of making it to medical school.
  3. A reminder to keep on living- to keep going strong.


Artist: Nick Beaty Tattoos


Location: The Other Half Tattoos

Cost: $50

Second, I got this tattoo done on August 10, 2016- exactly one year after my dad passed away. For those that knew my dad, they might recognize his signature as it was very distinct. I had to dig through old bills and receipts to find a clear signature to use.

This tattoo is special to me because it is a reminder that my dad is always with me. I look at it and I can remember him clearly.


Artist: Victoria Faythe Tattoos


Location: The Other Half Tattoos

Cost: $60

Third is my recovery symbol tattoo. This tattoo was done the weekend after I got out of rehab the first time in December 2016. I got it done in purple because purple is close to periwinkle which is the eating disorder awareness color. I wanted to get this tattoo because I needed a reminder for the reason I am living and need to keep living a healthy recovered life. I have it on my forearm so I can easily see it and remind myself of this.


Artist: Victoria Faythe Tattoos


Location: The Other Half Tattoos

Cost: $100 (I think- I can’t really remember)

Fourth is this lovely flower and twig piece on my right thigh. I like to tell people I got it just because I really liked it. In fact, it was designed by a friend of mine named Elizabeth Hovey. She gave me permission to have it tattooed on my body. I think it’s beautiful, so beautiful that I got it to cover up something not so beautiful- self harm scarring. They’re faint and hard to notice, but I wanted to cover them up anyways. This was probably the most intimate tattoo I have gotten so far, because I had to reveal the true purpose of the tattoo to my artist, Tori, who asked about the scars.


Artist: Victoria Faythe Tattoos


Location: The Other Half Tattoos

Cost: $80

Number five I got recently before I headed back to school. I decided to get this tattoo on the two year anniversary of my dad’s passing. It has several meanings. First, “This too shall pass” is one of my mentor’s, Dr. King’s, favorite phrases. It has helped both him and myself get through a lot. The butterfly symbolizes my journey from darkness to light, and the body of the butterfly, a semicolon, represents how my story isn’t over yet.


Artist: Malia Sioux


Location: Black Lotus Tattoo Gallery

Cost: $25

This tattoo doesn’t have much meaning behind it. It was for a fundraiser for Animal Ark Rescue called “Howl-o-ween.” I stood in line for five hours to get tattooed!


Artist: Victoria Faythe Tattoos


Location: The Other Half Tattoos

Cost: around $180

My elephant tattoo is representative of the time I’ve spent at Ridgeview Institute. Ridgeview’ “mascot” is the elephant “Ellie.” I really wanted not only a realistic elephant tattoo, but one with bohemian-like designs in it. Victoria completely designed this for me and spent almost 3 hours tattooing it on my thigh. I’m in love with it. It’s my new favorite tattoo.

One thing tattooing has done for me is help to reduce the urge to self harm. The sensation is similar and brings up the same adrenaline and feelings except with beautiful results.

I hope that you have enjoyed learning about my tattoos and the little stories behind them. I cherish each and every one of my tattoos and I don’t regret a single one. In fact, I have plans for more! Tattoos will always be a special part of my life.



Broken BPD Butterfly 🦋

Faking it ’til I make it. Just another girl on a self-love journey who’s looking to share her story.