Bronix Roadmap
2 min readJan 30, 2018


BRONIX-A Next Generation payment solution; promises a technically superior, stable and hack free trading platform offering incredible trading opportunities and payment solutions backed by ERC 20 and P2P networks. All the transactions follow 100% authenticity, secure record-keeping, identity confidentiality and traceability which are indeed the best gifts given by Blockchain.

The Bronix roadmap has been designed to keep effectively utilization and growth channelization opportunities.

R&D (November ’17)

A comprehensive market research conducted by the accomplished advisors and founders.

Website (December ’17)

Launch of and fully secured by Cloud Flare

Mission & Token Development (January 18)

Development of Bronix Tokens

Contracts (Feb ‘18)

Implementation of smart Contracts

Pre-Sales (March ‘18)

Launch of pre Sales from March 4, 2018 and ends on April 3, 2018.

ICO Sales (April 18)

The Grand launch of Public Initial Coin Offering from April 4 ’18 to July 25’ 18. The ICO will be conducted over a period of 90 days. Any unsold tokens will be destroyed publicly.

Token Distribution (June ’18)

Token Distribution will be completed and tokens will be available in the member’s wallet.

Trading Platform (June ’18)

Integration of trading platform into Performing Alpha testing and Bug fixing.

Beta Testing (July ’18)

Comprehensive and rigorous beta testing

Launch (August ’18) is ready for its grand launch.

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