Tips for Trading In Cryptocurrencies
3 min readMar 5, 2018


The world of trading in cryptocurrencies is full of excitement, intrigues, as well as magical gains and losses. But it can be a tough nut for those unfamiliar with intricacies of the market as well as trading.

About Cryptocurrency

A cryptocurrency is a form of digital money which is encrypted with cryptography and is totally anonymous. It is mined via solving cryptographic problems. This currency has real value and may be used to buy a range of products or be exchanged with other currencies (Dollar/ Euro) or other Cryptocurrencies.

Tips for Trading In Cryptocurrencies

Such digital assets may be traded or exchanged, much in the manner of fiat currencies. The exchange is on the basis of exchange rates or your preferences. Just like Forex, there is great potential for windfall profits, but there is also a potential for loss.

Forex is the global market for the exchange of different fiat currencies. Traders exploit volatility in exchange rates, to land with either high profits or also undertake the risk of losses. Cryptocurrencies are similar, but they are unregulated and decentralized and are also subject to a much higher degree of volatility.

With regard to cryptocurrencies, the rise and fall of value depend on algorithms while Forex is impacted by government and issuing authorities. But what truly sets apart digital currencies is that its supply is much more limited than fiat money. Also, whilethe volatility of Forex is around 1%, that of digital money is a whopping 5%-15%.


Here are some tips to trade in cryptocurrency:

· Begin with a plan

A crucial point to start withit is to have a reason to begin trading. Ensure that you know your aim and have a concrete strategy to guide you. Note that this is a zero-sum game, where when one gains, another loses. Even while trading daily, do not rush to join the game guided by your impulse.

· Allocate clear boundaries

While trading, it is vital to identify which markets to target and when to stop. Plan for a clear target level for making your profit and most crucially, identify a stop-loss target so that you realize when to break your losses. Do not pander to your ego and remember that cryptotrade is hazardous.

· Get over fear of losing out

It may be exciting to watch others gaining or losing, but you must not fall into temptation. Do not obsess over losing out as every fresh day comes with fresh opportunities. So, it is good to sit back and watch and jump in when the opportunity is right.

· Focus on small gains

People do not make huge profits by putting all eggs in one basket. Instead one must focus on small gains which will add up to a huge total. As a trader, you must manage risks with care across your portfolio. You must not invest in a high-risk market. Instead, place small bets, which will produce better returns.

· Note the depreciation

Majority of cryptocurrencies will lose their value over time. This is an important fact to consider while holding currencies for medium to long term. When you want to hold currencies for a long time, research on what currencies are suitable and what not.

These are some tips for great cryptocurrency trading.



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