What is a Life-Changing Event?

Why I wanted to cry at the Social Security office this morning.

A Brontide
3 min readOct 23, 2019
Photo by Dương Nhân from Pexels

It struck me afterwards that we have Life-Changing Events, all the time!

Just because I’m menopausal aka Change of Life, doesn’t mean I should be specifically singled out for attention. And I had to get a grip on myself before the clerk came back from copying our paperwork.

Social Security thinks of everything. They have a form for Life-Changing Events, “SSA-44” https://www.ssa.gov/forms/ssa-44-ext.pdf

It’s related to Medicare and income levels. Due to a recent change of circumstances our income has dropped dramatically, and we had to let them know, fast! The IRS kindly provided them with our 2017 income figures. If we’re lucky we might make a quarter of that in 2020, but don’t count on it. Sometimes Life Sucks!

My husband turns 65 in December 2019, so we’ve just signed him up for Medicare. Guess what — if you’re a high-income earner, you pay an extra premium for Part B. No sorry, we can’t afford the extra $60 per month anymore. Hence, a trip to social security today to explain, in advance of 2020.

I give the clerk paperwork, SSA-44 form, payslips, employer letter, and he leaves to make copies, and my husband wants to know why I’m becoming emotional. Why? Why



A Brontide

An evolving troglodyte with a desire to meet more people, reach more people, speak to more people. I write about kindness, happiness, wellness, humanity, life.