Signed Brown University Alumni, Student and Faculty Statement in Support of Jamie Mariscano, Brown ’16 #DefendATLforest #StopCopCity


We, as Brown Alumni, faculty, students, and community members, express our solidarity with the Dekalb 23, who were arrested, jailed, and charged with “domestic terrorism” for attending a music festival during Stop Cop City’s Week of Action. We stand in support of Jamie Marsicano, a fellow Brown University alumna (Brown ’16, Africana Studies), a member of the Dekalb 23.

We denounce the excessive and harmful charge of “domestic terrorism,” allegations made against the Dekalb 23, who were arrested and charged on spurious grounds such as “having mud on their shoes.” In total, 42 people have been charged with “domestic terrorism” over the last three months for their presence at Stop Cop City.

Credit: New York Times, Cheney Orr/Agence France-Presse

While most of the Dekalb 23 have been released on bond, most of these concertgoers were initially denied bail and forced to remain detained in DeKalb County Jail in unsafe and inhumane conditions, including long standing black mold, leaking pipes and clogged plumbing. Incarceration based on weak charges has caused irreparable damage to the lives of the Dekalb 23, including loss of employment, education, healthcare, and housing.

The charge of domestic terrorism has in turn given the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), where Jamie attends law school, the impetus to deem her a “threat to campus.” At the recommendation of the UNC Police Department, UNC’s Chancellor has banned her from campus while she tries to finish her studies. Despite support from the students, professors, and deans of the law school, the UNC system has volunteered itself as a tool of state repression to punish her further for this baseless charge.

We refuse to acknowledge the charges of “domestic terrorism” as legitimate, and instead see them as rooted in the machinery of the War on Terror, and the militarization and policing that make up the backbone of Cop City. These extortionate charges of “domestic terrorism,” carrying up to 35 years in prison, exemplify a continued escalation of state repression, and set a dangerous precedent for the future–a future in which the state isolates and criminalizes anyone it wishes to arbitrarily target and label as “terrorists” in an attempt to intimidate movements for social justice, anti-racism, and environmental action. This charge gives the state undue extended legal powers and strips rights from communities, activists and protestors.

We demand that all those arrested be released and the charges against all co-defendants be dropped.

Further, we affirm our solidarity with the Atlanta communities who are courageously engaged in protest against the threats of climate change, militarism, and environmental racism which are embodied by “Cop City,” and our support for the protection of the Atlanta Weelaunee Forest. We send our support to those harmed and targeted by the violence of the Atlanta police and the proposed Cop City, and grieve the premature death of young activist Tortuguita, who was violently killed by police on January 18th in the Weelaunee Forest.

As Brown University community members, we are appalled at the absurd charges made against our fellow alumna and co-defendants. We will continue to apply pressure until the charges are dropped.

We support the demands for an end to the criminalization of protest, especially for those protesting for Black lives and those defending environmental justice, land, and water. We demand that those already criminalized on baseless charges be granted amnesty.


If you are a Brown University alumni, student, faculty member, or other Brown University community member, you may sign onto this statement here.

Current Graduate Students

Julia Gettle, History, 2023

Kennedy Jones, MA Public Humanities, 2023

Marah Nagelhout, English, 2023

Julia Huggins, MCM, 2024

Beckett Warzer, TAPS, 2025

Nabila Islam, Sociology, 2025

Katherine Preston

Michael Ziegler

Current Undergraduate Students

Alexa De La Fuente, Ethnic Studies and Education, 2023

Alex Purdy, Independent Concentration, 2023

Ania Briscoe, 2023

Anyssa Ball, Environmental Studies, 2023

Belinda Hu, Ethnic Studies, 2023

Bryce Jones, 2023

Chong Jing Gan, Comparative Literature and East Asian Studies, 2023

Grace Reed, Public Health, 2023

harshini venkatachalam, cs/visa, 2023

Jack Doughty, International and Public Affairs, 2023

Jaden Schoenfeld, Visual art and literary arts, 2023

Jasmine Li, 2023

Leela Berman, 2023

Mark Buckley, 2023

Maxime Pitchon, literary arts, 2023

Mina Kao, 2023

Roopa Duvvi, English and Biology, 2023

Sebastian Immonen, Brown|RISD Dual Degree International Relations and Apparel Design, 2023

Simran Singh, Biology, 2023

Zach Ngin, Modern Culture and Media, 2023

Elana Nussbaum Cohen, Sociology, 2023.5

Ella Spungen, English and Science, Technology, and Society, 2023.5

Kaita igarashi, Mcm, 2023.5

Arenal Haut, Public Health, 2024

Carla Humphris, IAPA, 2024

Carter Moyer, Neuroscience, 2024

Caterina Dong, Health and Human Biology, 2024

Dani Romero Mejia, Physics, 2024

Emilie Lum, Ethnic studies, 2024

Hannah Julius, 2024

Hyungjin Lee, 2024

James Nesbit, Africana studies and psychology, 2024

Karma Selsey, Computer Science and Education Studies, 2024

Lucy Lebowitz, Anthro, 2024

Maru Attwood, History, 2024

Mina Sarmas, Biology, 2024

Nora Mathews, History of Art and Architecture, 2024

Orly Richter, Biology, 2024

Reem Ibrahim, 2024

Sadie Elliott-Hart, 2024

Sam Stewart, Architecture, 2024

Victoria El-Khoury, Biology and Psychology, 2024

Yuna Shprecher, English, 2024

Simone Klein, MCM, 2024.5

Alec Lacerte, EDUC, 2025

Alec Lippman, Computer Science, 2025

Allyssa Foster, 2025

Anaya Kaul, 2025

Andrew Kim, Ecology, 2025

Ava Bradley, Education Studies & Linguistics, 2025

Chloe Kim, Public Health, 2025

Edie fine, TAPS and AMST, 2025

Hannah Saiger, Environmental studies and urban studies, 2025

Isaac Slevin, Environmental Science, 2025

Jadyn Ligoo, International and Public Affairs, 2025

Josie Alston, Urban Studies + IAPA, 2025

Kenan Zaidat, Public Health, 2025

Madigan King, History, 2025

Malia Honda, ENVS, 2025

Meleah Neely, Classics and Political Science, 2025

Melissa Liu, English, 2025

Nadia Salfiti, Sociology, 2025

Qiaoying Chen, 2025

T Kreitman, 2025

Bailey Merlino, Chemistry, 2026

Benjamin Ringel, 2026

Fiona Mathews, history and TAPS, 2026

Gabriela Venegas-Ramirez, Political Science, 2026

Garrett Brand, Sociology & Urban Studies, 2026

Henry Lew, Sociology, 2026

Hibo, Biology, 2026

Lily Gardner, 2026

Matteo Papadopoulos, Music & IAPA, 2026

Sarah Burke, Archaeology, 2026

Saraphina Forman, Lit arts, 2026

Zora Roberts, Computer Science andArt, 2026

Alex Green

Augustus Konigsmark, IAPA

Callie Rabinovitz

Camille Aquino

Carina Sandoval, International and Public Affairs and Urban Studies

Corrin Anderer

Dawson Phillips, ENVS and VISA

Felora Bellamy

Jesse Hogan

Nevin Dun Jian Chin

Olivia Booth

Peter Swope

Rachael Lin Wheeler

Graduate Student Alumni

David Rapkin, English, 1996

Nour Asfour, Middle East Studies and Public Health, 2018

Jenny Li, Africana Studies/Environmental Studies, 2014 BA 2016 MAT

Timothy Parsons, Computer Science, 2014 ScB, 2015 ScM

Alice Hamblett, Anthropology (Undergrad), Public Health (Grad), 2017 (Undergrad), 2020 (Grad)

Ilan Desai-Geller, Comparative Literature, Masters in Teaching Secondary English, 2018, 2019

Paloma Orozco Scott, Ethnic Studies, American Studies, 2018, 2019

Scott Fogle, Public Health, 2019 AB/ 2020 MPH

Emily Yoshioka, Public health and ethnic studies, AB ’19, MPH ‘20

Anne Zhao, Public Health, BA 2019, MPH 2020

Auriane Benabou, Slavic Studies

Pedro Polanco, Engineering, 2020.5

Jeanelle Wheeler, BA French & Francophone, BA Literary Arts and MAT Secondary English, 2018 and 2020 MAT

Anthony Arnove, English, 1998

Nagesh Rao, 2001

Pranav Jani, Ph.D, English, 2001

Krisha Aghi, Neuroscience, 2015

Sand Haley, PhD History, 2017

Beth Capper, Modern Culture and Media, 2019

Johnny Robinson, American Studies, 2019

Abra Con, Literary Arts, 2020

Annie Wentz, Epidemiology, 2021

Ashley Smith, English/MCM, 1991 MA

Helen C. Scott, English, PhD 1996

August Guang, Applied Mathematics, 2018

Florence Wallis, Literary Arts, 2022

Zainah Khan


Abdullah Shihipar, Public Health

Abdel Razzaq Takriti

Adrienne Keene, Professor of American Studies

Brandon Marshall, Professor of Epidemiology

Dawn King

William Keach, Professor, Professor Emeritus of English


Mariam Han

Abigail Cartus

Jesse Yedinak

Rose Guilfoyle

Sari Greene, Department of Epidemiology

Undergraduate Alumni

Ellen Dupuy d’Angeac, Semiotics, 1984

Peter Stein

Miriam Silman, Literature & Society (now MCM), 1983

Alice Costas, American Studies/Literary Arts, 2010

Michael Kink, Political Science, 1984

Eric Ruder, Modern Culture and Media, 1993

Amilca Palmer, African American Studies/History, 1996

Brian L. Perkins, History, 1996

Danny Katch, History, 1996

Megan Behrent, Gender & Sexuality Studies, 1997

Susan Lew, Human Biology, 1997

Manijeh Moradian, English, 1998

Cristina Winsor, Religious studies, 2002

Rebecca E. Vitale, Old World Archaeology & Art, 2004

Elizabeth ochs, Urban studies, 2007.5

David Gumbiner, Development Studies, 2008

Natasha Go, 2010

Rachel Economy, Environmental Studies, 2010

Susan Beaty, History, 2010

Yeshimabeit Milner, Africana Studies, 2012

Claire Kwong, Computer Science and MCM, 2013

Eli Hadley, Africana Studies + Environmental Studies, 2013

Evan Sumortin, Modern Culture and Media, 2013

Ellen Zahniser, TAPS, 2014

Juhee Kwon, Ethnic Studies, 2014

Kah Yangni, American Studies, 2014

Kate Brennan, Modern Culture and Media, 2014

Liliana Gutmann-McKenzie, Education Studies, 2014

Mali’o Kodis, Geology, 2014

Shira Atkins, Slavic Studies, 2014

Vanessa Flores-Maldonado, 2014

Aaron Behr, Biology & Computer Science, 2015

Aaron Kelley, Environmental Studies, 2015

Aasha Jackson, Development Studies, 2015

Adison Marshall, Religious Studies, 2015

Allie Rubenstein, Biology, 2015

Anna Plumlee, 2015

Austin Cole, Development Studies, 2015

Brienne Ellis, 2015

Christian Petroske, Sociology, 2015

Darian Surratt, Sociology, 2015

Eduarda Araujo, Africana Studies, 2015

Eliza Cohen, Science & Society, 2015

Isaac MacDonald, Urban Studies, 2015

Isabelle Bauman, Mechanical Engineering, 2015

Jackie Roberti, Computer science, 2015

Jacob Buckley, Neuroscience, 2015

Jeffrey Baum, Geology, 2015

Joseph Van Wye, Political Science, 2015

Katherina Rodriguez, Psychology, 2015

Katie Byron, Gender and sexuality studies, 2015

Klara Zimmerman, Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences, 2015

Ky Albert, Sociology and Sexuality Studies, 2015

Lanier Olsson, 2015

Lauren Cecilia Behgam, Environmental Studies, 2015

Leigh Thomas, 2015

Leila Blatt, Africana Studies, 2015

Lucas Johnson, Education, 2015

Mara Freilich, 2015

Maru Pabón, 2015

Mary Elisabeth Flinn, History of Art and Architecture, 2015

Michael Weinstein, Computer Science and Literary Arts, 2015

Penny Bailey, History of Art & Architecture, 2015

Russyan Mark Mabeza, Biology, 2015

Sean Simonson, International Relations, 2015

Supreeti Sharma, Urban Studies, 2015

Todd Baker, Ethnic Studies / Economics, 2015

Trevor Culhane, 2015

Yuki Davis, Development Studies, 2015

Zakia Elliott, Environmental Studies, 2015

Sabine Williams, Ethnic Studies, 2015.5

Aaron Ojeda-Rosenthal, Mechanical Engineering, 2016

Aidan Dunbar, American studies, 2016

Alissa Rhee, American Studies, 2016

Anastasia Gorodilova, Political Science, 2016

Anselmo Fuentes, Education and Urban Studies, 2016

Binya Kóatz, Computer science, 2016

Camera Ford, Geological sciences, 2016

Charlote Biren, Development Studies / Latin American Studies, 2016

Daniel Mendes, Economics, 2016

Emily Schell, 2016

Hector Peralta, Ethnic Studies, 2016

Holly Gildea, Neuroscience, 2016

Jaclyn Licht, English, 2016

Jae Kirkland Rice, Comparative Literature, 2016

Justice Gaines, Sociology, 2016

Kailani Acosta, Environmental science, 2016

Källan Berglund, Physics, 2016

Kari Malkki, Development Studies, 2016

Kate Storey-Fisher, Physics, 2016

Katy Lardaro, Psychology, 2016

Kristina Lee, Anthropology, 2016

Liliana Harrington, POBS/IR, 2016

Madeline Rotman, Science and Society, 2016

Manuel Contreras, Cognitive Science, 2016

Marion Wellington, IC in Music Cognition, 2016

Mina Asayesh-Brown, Africana Studies, 2016

Naomi Varnis, Africana Studies, 2016

Paige Aniyah Morris, Literary Arts and Ethnic Studies, 2016

Peter Enriquez, Music, 2016

Rheem Brooks, Development Studies, 2016

Richard Park, Engineering, 2016

Sabrina Imbler, English, 2016

Sana Siddiq, Physics and Middle East Studies, 2016

Sana Teramoto, Independent Concentration, 2016

Shireen Akram-Boshar, Africana Studies, 2016

Stanley Stewart, History, 2016

William Iffland, English, 2016

Alex Karim, Computer Science & Ethnic Studies, 2017

Arely Diaz, 2017

Arlo Fosburg, 2017

Blanca Garcia, Neuroscience, 2017

Chantel brown, Applied Math, 2017

Danii De La Rosa, Department of Earth Environmental and Planetary Sciences, 2017

Denise Yoon, Neuroscience, 2017

Dolma Ombadykow, 2017

Dylan Cole-Kink, American Studies, 2017

Eital Schattner-Elmaleh, Computer science, 2017

Elana Pyfrom, Molecular and Cell Biology, 2017

Elizabeth Lopez, Public Health, 2017

Emmy Cantos, Public Policy, 2017

Gareth Chen, Computer Engineering, 2017

Haley De La Rosa, International Relations, 2017

Izza Drury, Environmentalists studies, 2017

Jake Kuhn, Theater and Performance Studies, 2017

Jieyi Cai, Psychology and History, 2017

Joy Yamaguchi, Ethnic Studies, 2017

Lane Kantor, Neurobiology BS, 2017

Mac Woodburn, Cognitive Neuroscience, 2017

Mads Shiver, History & Ethnic Studies, 2017

Matthew De La Cruz, Philosophy and Comparative Literature, 2017

Maya Finoh, Africana Studies & Public Policy, 2017

Oscar d’Angeac, Urban Studies, 2017

Perla Montas, Africana Studies, 2017

Sabiya Ahamed, Middle East Studies and Political Science, 2017

Sophia Ashai, Economics, 2017

Sophia Gluskin-Braun, Electrical engineering, 2017

Susannah Waldman, Political Science, 2017

Taylor Michael, English, 2017

Yvonne Bramble, MCM and Ethnic Studies, 2017

Zach Hammer, Comp Science, 2017

Zachary Zuchowski, Biology, 2017

AJ Ballard, International Relations, 2018

Angelica Arellano, Environmental Studies, 2018

Anna Meyer, American Studies, 2018

Annie Furuyama, American Studies, 2018

Athena Wasborn, Theater and Performance Studies, 2018

Bethlehem Desta, Ethnic Studies, 2018

Christine J Lee, History, 2018

Emily Li, Engineering, 2018

Emma Galvin, Ethnic Studies, 2018

Emma Lloyd, Comparative Literature, 2018

Erica Adarkwa, 2018

Gabrielle Feliciano, 2018

Ilgın Korugan, Development Studies, 2018

Isabella Kres-Nash, Political science/history, 2018

Ishani Chokshi, Visual Arts and ENVS, 2018

Jake Gardner, Archeology, 2018

Jokichi Matsubara, Biology, 2018

Julia Chang, classics, 2018

Kelsey Fenn, Environmental Science, 2018

Malik Jarvis, Public Policy, 2018

Margaret (Margo) Hu, Cognitive Neuroscience & Visual Arts, 2018

Maria Russo, Public Policy, 2018

Michelle Miller, Astrophysics, 2018

Naomi Chasek-Macfoy, Africana Studies, 2018

Natalie Lerner, Ethnic Studies, 2018

Nikki Lee, Sociology, 2018

Prateek Joshi, Mechanical Engineering, 2018

Sofia Robledo Rower, Africana studies / Ethnic studies, 2018

Sophia Kerman, Biology, 2018

Tali Ginsburg, American studies, 2018

Vaughn Campbell, International Relations, 2018

Zoe Wohlgenant, 2018

Lauren Black, American Studies, 2018.5

Mitchell Johnson, American Studies, 2018.5

Samantha Chomsky, History, 2018.5

Adam Fertig, Modern Culture and Media, 2019

Addy Schuetz, American Studies, 2019

Alex Pasanen, 2019

Alisa Hoban, Political Science, 2019

Ana Marx, Modern Culture and Media Studies, 2019

Andrew Novoa, economics & religious studies, 2019

Annaliese Fries, Biochemistry & Classics, 2019

Arie Davey, American Studies & Literary Arts, 2019

Audrey Flower, Applied Math — Computer Science, 2019

Brandon Burke, 2019

Brian Elizalde, Ethnic Studies, 2019

Briana Nuñez, Biology, 2019

Carly Paul, Development Studies, 2019

Christine Lim, Gender and Sexuality Studies; Ethnic Studies, 2019

Colby Parsons, Anthropology, 2019

Cora Wiese Moore, Environmental Engineering, 2019

Daven McQueen, Literary Arts and Economics, 2019

Devra Levy, Ethnic Studies & Public Health, 2019

Drashti Brahmbhatt, International Relations, 2019

Ella Kilpatrick Kotner, Environmental Science, 2019

Emilio Vides-Curnen, HIAA, 2019

Emily Miller, History/IR, 2019

Evan Lehmann, Statistics, 2019

Gio Santiago, 2019

Janine Goetzen, MCM/AMST, 2019

Jesse Barber, Urban Studies, 2019

Jewel Brown Williams, 2019

Judson Ellis, Biology, 2019

Julia Pena, Literary arts, 2019

Kairy Herrera, Physics, 2019

Kelvin Moore Jr., Public Health, 2019

Lauren Maunus, Environmental Science, 2019

Lena Milton, 2019

Lindsay Saftler, Mcm, 2019

Ly Dang, Education Studies, 2019

Marguerite Kemp-Sherman, American Studies, 2019

Mars Verrone, Modern Culture and Media, 2019

Matlaleng Setiloane-Babatunde, Africana Studies and Sociology, 2019

Meghan Mozea, History & Education, 2019

Nora Lawrence, Development Studies, 2019

Oriana van Praag, Development Studies, 2019

Rachel Gold, History; Geology, 2019

Rose Sheehan, 2019

Rudolph Quamina, History, 2019

Sam Frolichstein-Appel, Mechanical Engineering, 2019

Sam Grady, 2019

Sebastián Otero Oliveras, Music and Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 2019

Thoralf Island, Africana Studies, 2019

Tyler Jones, Environmental Engineering, 2019

Yami, Education studies, 2019

Yasmin Toney, 2019

Zola Doyle, Anthropology, 2019

Alyssa Rodriguez, Ethnic Studies and Modern Culture & Media, 2019.5

Colin Kent-Daggett, 2019.5

Danny Young, Comparative Literature, 2019.5

Deenaalee Hodgdon, Anthropology, 2019.5

Noa Machover, Independent Concentration, 2019.5

Rachel Rood-Ojalvo, 2019.5

Sophie Kupetz, History, 2019.5

Tal Frieden, Political Science, 2019.5

Andrea Vega Troncoso, 2020

Ben Gross, Computer science, 2020

Camila Pelsinger, International Relations, 2020

Caroline Sprague, American Studies, 2020

Chiara Arellano, IBES/Enviro Science, 2020

Danilo Jiménez, Environmental Science, 2020

Eliana Kaplowitz, STS, 2020

Ellen Cola, Economics, 2020

Huayu Ouyang, Computer science, 2020

Jacqueline Maldonado, 2020

Jessica Jiang, Ethnic Studies, 2020

Jessica Sugarman, Public Policy, 2020

Jo-ann Huynh, CLPS / psychology, 2020

Jonte Simpson, Sociology and Political Science, 2020

Jorge Palacios, Astrophysics, 2020

Karen Tu, 2020

Kevin Ouyang, 2020

Kielan Donahue, Computer Science, 2020

Lidwina Bell, Africana Studies and Public Policy, 2020

Mara Dolan, Environmental Science, 2020

Matheson Kuo, Behavioral Decision Sciences, 2020

Mia Pattillo, STS, 2020

Miles Martinez, Cognitive Neuroscience, 2020

Nina Wolff Landau, Environmental Studies, 2020

Noah Mlyn, Philosophy, 2020

Noëll Cousins, Computer Science and Economics, 2020

Samuel Cai, Economics, 2020

Shane Niesen, History, 2020

Solana Huang, Geology/DEEPS, 2020

Sophia Meng, 2020

Alex Hanesworth, Independent Concentration, 2020.5

Florence Li, Modern Culture and Media, 2020.5

Nicolas Page, Literary Arts & Latin American Studies, 2020.5

Phoebe Ayres, Urban Studies, 2020.5

Alan Dean, 2021

Amanda Hinh, Environmental Science, 2021

Beka Yang, Ethnic Studies & Psychology, 2021

Elliot Negin, Contemplative Studies, 2021

Eve Lukens-Day, Environmental Science, 2021

Maria Bolanos, 2021

Marian Chudnovsky, English and History of Art and Architecture, 2021

Olivia Cruz Mayeda, History, 2021

Ruby Aiyo Gerber, Africana, 2021

Samahria Alpern, Urban studies, 2021

Caiya Sanchez-Strauss, africana studies andlatin american and caribbean studies, 2021.5

Gemma Sack, History, 2021.5

XingXing Shou, 2021.5

Yeonhoo Cho, Sociology, 2021.5

Alexander Kamper, Computer Science, 2022

Astrid Flynn, 2022

Bennett Walkes, 2022

Clio Wohlgenant, ENVS, 2022

Connor Jenkins, 2022

David Onabanjo, Independent Concentration, 2022

Dylan Lewis, TAPS and American Studies, 2022

Ife Anyoku, Africana Studies, 2022

Jai’el Toussaint, Africana, 2022

Margaret Norton, Music, 2022

Maria Fernanda Vitule, Political Science and Economics, 2022

Misha Fan, Biology, 2022

Samantha Ouertani, 2022

Georgeara Castañeda, 2022.5

Zina Dolan, 2022.5

Zoe Kupetz, Environmental Studies, 2022.5

Emily Yang, Literary Arts/Psychology, ‘20

Morgan De Lancy, History, ‘22

Alyson Singleton, Applied Mathematics (BS) and Biostatistics (MA), 2019 and 2020

Priyanka Shetty, Political Science, 2019

Shivani Nishae, Cognitive Science, 2020

Addison Kerwin, psychology and STS

Dana Blanchard

Daniel Adkins

Duane Barksdale

Fiora macpherson

Isa L.

Jasmine Fuller

Jessica Reisch

Josh Cabello

Kabir Narayanan

Kristine Mar

Genesis Barrera, Religious Studies, 2021

Alexandra Steinberg

Liz Cory

Makedah Hughes

Mara Cavallaro

Monica Caparas

Noah Kim

Pat Ade

Phoebe Young

Rachel Risoleo

raelee fourkiller

Rakan Aboneaaj

Rebecca Forman, Public health

Robin Manley, Modern Culture & Media

Siena Rafter, Theater arts

Tanushri Sundar

Wesley Sanders, Visual Art, 2015

Caitlin Takeda, Visual Art, 2020

Gabi Gonzalez, AB in Health & Human Biology; MPH Department of Health Services, Policy, and Practice, AB ’20 MPH’24

Meghna Tummala, Public Health, BA ’21 MD ‘25

Jai Chavis, Medicine, MD Class of ‘25

Yasmine Hassan, Mechanical engineering, 2017

Jade Wexler, Ethnic studies, medicine, 2025, 2020

Salina Tesfay, Medicine, AB 2019 MD2024

Wasita Mahaphanit, Cognitive Neuroscience (CLPS Dept), 2018

Medical School Alumni

Jennifer Tsail, Health and human biology/ethnic studies, 2014/2019

Sovijja Pou, Applied Math-Biology, 2017, 2022

Belinda Zhou, History/MD, 2017/2022

Julian Medina, Literary arts / M.D., 2017/2022



Brown Community in Support of Jamie Marsicano

Brown University Alumni, Student and Faculty Statement in Support of Jamie Marsicano, Brown '16 #DefendATLforest #StopCopCity